And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his rightfoot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
Robert Lee Lambert Jr. (Brother Lambert) began his spiritual walk with Christ in 1958 when he was 28 years old. At that time, God appeared to him and spoke to him audibly calling on him to be his servant and to preach the Gospel of Christ. God revealed to Brother Lambert what his ministry would be and showed it to him in the scriptures. These are the exact words God spoke to Brother Lambert: “There I heard a still small voice of God speak in my ear and it said, “Get thy bible.” Now He didn’t say, “Get your bible” It’s, “THY.” He used the word, “THY.” (January 26,1969 Brother Robert Lambert’s Testimony) God also revealed to Brother Lambert at that time of a ministry that was now upon the earth as John the Baptist, Malachi 4:5, Elijah which was none other than Brother William Branham. “But the Lord had revealed to me that there was an Elijah, a John the Baptist, that was gonna take his true people to a land of milk and honey.” (January 26,1969 Brother Robert Lambert’s Testimony) God revealed that Brother William Branham would be the forerunner of a message that would bring the second coming of Christ, the word. Brother William Branham spoke these exact words as God spoke to Brother Lambert. (The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed in 1962 ) Quote Brother William M. Branham, “My mission, that I believe that God has called me for…I—I have to say some personal things today, because that’s what I told you I’d do, see, and tell the world. My mission, I believe, to the earth, is (what?) is to forerun the coming Word, see, the coming Word which is Christ.” God had revealed to Brother Lambert and showed him Brother William Branham’s funeral and that he would be leaving the scene. He spoke about this experience many times in his audio recordings during his ministry. In the coming years Brother Lambert found William M. Branham and attended as many of his services as he could through the years as he preached the gospel across the country.
Brother Lambert was able to get a personal interview with Brother Branham, which was not a very easy thing to accomplish. Brother Branham told Brother Lambert all about his ministry and confirmed it with the exact words that God had spoken to him years earlier. Brother Branham told Brother Lambert a lot of personal things that God was going to do with him in his ministry, that would soon be taking place. God told Brother Lambert not to share all of these personal things that he had told him as they were to remain a secret and to be revealed at a later time to God’s people. On the evening of Sunday, January 26, 1969, Brother Lambert gave his personal testimony about these events. “He told me of a most unusual ministry that I’ve found in the Word of God, that I believe is to take place very, very soon. And He begin, kept right on speaking and told me, said, “Because I’m not coming in years, I am coming soon. And because of this, I must give thee these things all at once, for I will make a short quick work upon the earth” How many know that the prophet of God told me the same thing, the same words? William Branham said to me in an interview with him, “Bobby, He will give you these things all at once. He will not send thee to school as He has His other servants, because He is coming soon, and He must give you all these things all at once.”
There are many of God’s children in the world who have many questions that have not been clearly answered or revealed to them. If you may have questions look no further than right here to get those answers! We have the answers to those questions in God’s word the Bible and in the words of God’s servants the prophets that he sent to us. We are so blessed to have these precious words of eternal life saved in the recordings from his servants, Brother Branham and Brother Lambert. As you listen to their words of life, may God light a fire in your soul that you would be able to eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood, that you may have Eternal Life!
John 6:53
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Robert Lee Lambert’s sermons are available here in PDF or audio format.
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