Son of Man Recordings

The King's Sword

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12


SON OF MAN RECORDINGS INC is a nondenominational religious entity dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ and sharing the Gospel through the ministry and sermons of Robert Lee Lambert, Jr. (Brother Lambert), who preached in his own words the “Pure Unadulterated Word of God.”
All quotes that are posted from William M. Branham and are in his own words, nothing was added to it or taken away. You can check to see as they are copied and pasted as it was typed from his transcribed sermons. Only a small portion was taken to show reference and clarity of subject that was preached by Robert Lee Lambert. Brother Lambert loved and honored Brother M. Branham, a prophet of God and internationally- recognized evangelist. Brother Lambert followed his doctrine in his preachings.
The primary source of all material is from all the recordings and transcribed sermons of Brother Lambert, a messenger that was called by God, known in the United States and in many countries across the globe. The messages of Brother Lambert have been recorded in audio format with some that are typed and available in PDF format. Some sermons are missing or were never recorded or documented. Anyone with access to any missing sermons that are not in our collection if you would please contact us, so that we may add them to our collection.
All of Robert Lee Lambert Jr. sermons are free and at no cost. All sermons and transcribed sermons downloaded from this website is provided exclusively for your personal and religious use only and is subject to all copyright restrictions.
If you wish to be notified when new material is published on this website, you can request to be added to our mailing list by registering contact information.
May God richly bless you all and may God bless this website and protect it as we seek to do Gods will by sharing Brother Lambert’s message through this online service. Many Blessings to you that may read or listen.