By William M. Branham Introducing – Identifying Another
Ministry Coming Behind Him

John 5:31-34
31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
32 There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true.
34 But I receive not testimony from man: but these things I say, that ye might be saved.
Isaiah 40:3
3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE STRAIGHT IN THE DESERT A HIGHWAY FOR OUR GOD.
Revelations 10:1-3
AND I SAW ANOTHER MIGHTY ANGEL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, clothed with a cloud: AND A RAINBOW WAS UPON HIS HEAD, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
Identifying-Introducing quotes:
65-0219 – This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled
William Marrion Branham
119 The hour that we’re living, this day this Scripture is fulfilled. This day the evening Lights have come, and we fail to see It. Notice. 120 JOHN said, “This day I AM ‘THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS,’ as said the prophet Isaiah. Prepare the way for the Lord!” 121 They didn’t understand it. Say, “Oh, you’re Jesus…you’re—you’re the Christ,” rather. 122 He said, “I am not the Christ.” He said, “I’m not worthy to loose His shoes. But,” he said, “He is standing among you, somewhere,” for he was sure that He would be there. He would be in his day, ’cause God told him he was to introduce the Messiah.
50-0300 – Gifts And Callings Are Without Repentance
William Marrion Branham
I’m not a preacher or a great public speaker. But from my HEART I’M TRYING TO INTRODUCE TO YOU JESUS CHRIST the same yesterday, today, and forever.
62-0318 – The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed
William Marrion Branham
119 My mission, that I believe that God has called me for…I—I have to say some personal things today, because that’s what I told you I’d do, see, and tell the world. MY MISSION, I BELIEVE, TO THE EARTH, IS (WHAT?) IS TO FORERUN THE COMING WORD, SEE, THE COMING WORD WHICH IS CHRIST. And Christ, in Him, has the Millennium, and has everything right there, because He is the Word. See? All right.
55-0117 – How The Angel Came To Me, And His Commission
William Marrion Branham
210 And one night, on about four or five times out…I couldn’t understand speaking in tongues and so forth. I believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, believed the people could speak in tongues. And one night when I was walking out onto the…in a cathedral, San Antonio, Texas, walking out there, a little fellow sitting up here begin to speak in tongues like a shotgun firing, or a machine gun, rapidly. Way back, way back there, a fellow raised up and said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD! THE MAN THAT’S WALKING TO THE PLATFORM IS GOING FORWARD WITH A MINISTRY THAT WAS ORDAINED OF ALMIGHTY GOD. AND AS JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS SENT AS THE FIRST FORERUNNER OF THE COMING OF JESUS CHRIST, SO HE PACKS A MESSAGE THAT WILL CAUSE THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.”
63-1130B – Influence
William Marrion Branham
109 What did John the Baptist do, the man that Jesus said, “There was never a man borned of a woman like him, or could compare with him, until that time”? That great prophet, ordained of God before the foundation of the world; spoke of, twelve hundred and seven years before he ever come on, or seven hundred and twelve years, rather, before he came to the earth, by the prophet Isaiah here. What did he do when he seen a Man come walking down out of the audience, and he looked up above and saw that Fire coming down from Heaven, in the form of a dove? He cried out, “I have need to be baptized of Thee.”110 “I must decrease; He must increase.” God can’t have two on the earth at the same time. Only one has the message, you know. “I must decrease; HE IS THE MESSENGER. I’VE BEEN UP TO THIS TIME, NOW HE TAKES MY PLACE.” AS ELISHA, WHEN ELIJAH WENT UP AND THROWED BACK HIS ROBE TO ELISHA; HIS MINISTRY WAS FINISHED, ELISHA MUST TAKE UP WHERE HE LEFT OFF. “HE MUST INCREASE; I MUST DECREASE,” JOHN THE BAPTIST.
64-0719M – The Feast Of The Trumpets
William Marrion Branham
111 Enoch and them built it, years ago, and it stands for a symbol. Just the same as the sun rises and sets; just the same as the tree drops its—its leaf, and comes back again; as a fish, and the cattle, and everything else symbolizes it. That pyramid stands as a symbol. 112 Go into the prophet’s chamber and watch them seven steps. Where did the—where did the guard meet the challenge to bring the comer into the presence of the king? At the top of the steps; was in the seventh step. THERE SHOWS THAT WE’VE GOT TO COME AGAIN WITH THAT SAME SPIRIT THAT WAS ON JOHN; HE INTRODUCED THE MESSIAH. HE WAS GREATER THAN ALL THE PROPHETS; HE INTRODUCED IT. AND WE’VE GOT TO COME TO A PLACE, AGAIN, TO SOMETHING THAT’S GOING TO INTRODUCE THE MESSIAH. 113 AND HOW WILL THE MESSIAH…THE PEOPLE THAT’S BELIEVING HIM KNOW IT UNLESS THEY’RE CONSTANTLY IN THE WORD, TO KNOW WHAT HE IS! Daniel said, “The wise shall know; but the foolish, the unwise, wouldn’t know. They shall know their God.” Now, now, how He shall appear in the last days, is to bring the people back to the Word, SO THAT THE BRIDE WILL KNOW HER HUSBAND, KNOW HER MATE, THE REVEALED WORD. That’s why this has to happen.
65-0218 – The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck
William Marrion Branham
MY INTENTIONS AND DESIRE, TONIGHT, IS TO AWAKEN THAT CHURCH, AGAIN, TO THE COMING OF THE LORD JESUS AT HAND. I have to rebuke it. I have to rebuke sin in whatever manner it is. I don’t mean it to anybody’s denomination. I have a Message. 29 Now, it’s hard to get in a church for a sponsorship, just as it was with our Lord Jesus, ’cause it’s Him; it isn’t me. But as He preached at the first, and healed the sick, raised the dead, and cleansed the lepers, and cast out devils, everybody wanted Him. BUT THERE COME A TIME WHERE THERE’S A MESSAGE THAT ALWAYS FOLLOWS EVERY SIGN, BECAUSE THE SIGN HAS A VOICE.
53-0328 – Israel And The Church #4
William Marrion Branham
216 I’ve had a lot of—a lot of ground behind me, in these forty-three years. Just a few day ago, I was a little old boy running around here, playing marbles with you. Well, I’m failing. I CAN FEEL IT. I—I’VE TRIED FOR TWENTY YEARS, TO TRY TO INTRODUCE TO YOU SOMETHING.
56-0122 – The Junction Time
William Marrion Branham
39 Now, I’m not here as a impersonator of Christianity. I’m not here as a deceiver. I’d be home with my family today, enjoying what few days I have home. I come here because I have a message in my heart that I want to produce to you all, or to introduce to you all, rather. And that’s why I come. I love you, and I realize that someday I’ve got to give an account for every word in every meeting that I ever held. And every word, I got to answer for it at the judgment.
58-0515 – Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
William Marrion Branham
22 I wish to approach the Word now, just a little Scripture that I use on, usually, the first night, TO INTRODUCE TO YOU THE CALLING THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS GIVEN ME.
59-1217 – What Was The Holy Ghost Given For?
William Marrion Branham
142 I can hear the water splash yonder on the Ohio River, when I was a little old boy preacher, about twenty-two years old, singing that there. And I heard, looked up above me, and heard a Voice, said, “Look up.” Here come that big Light hanging right yonder, come moving down over me, and said, “AS JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS SENT TO FORERUN THE FIRST COMING OF CHRIST, YOU’LL HAVE A MESSAGE THAT’LL FORERUN THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST.”
52-0817E – Do You Now Believe?
William Marrion Branham
14 Recently when I was baptizing on the river at Jeffersonville, when all the local newspapers packed It, two o’clock in the afternoon when I was praying, here It come right down out of the heavens, right at two o’clock in the evening, June, or in the afternoon, rather, in June, about the middle of June, hung right over where I was, AND A VOICE FROM IT, SAYING, “AS JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS SENT TO WARN THE PEOPLE OF THE FIRST COMING OF CHRIST, SO IS THIS MESSAGE TO WARN THE PEOPLE OF THE SECOND COMING.”
63-0116 – The Evening Messenger
William Marrion Branham
249 Notice, the end-time messenger, his job will be to get the saints ready, THE BRIDE READY FOR THE BRIDEGROOM. THAT WILL BE HIS MESSAGE. Now you want to learn ABC’s so you can study algebra later? When these other seals on the back is opened they’ll only be revealed to them. That’s right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? “Always Believe Christ,” (not your creed), Christ. See? Believe what He says, not what somebody else says.
56-0128 – Inspiration
William Marrion Branham
17 Wonder if you little boys or some of you could tell me who the third man was that had that Spirit? Could you do it? Huh? Any student there can raise your hand and tell me who the third man was that had that same Spirit? Huh? John the Baptist. He came out of the wilderness. Jesus said, “This is the Elijah which was spoke of was to come restore all things.” And it made Elijah—made John dress just like Elijah, perhaps acted like him, but John did no miracles. And that same Spirit is predicted to come on the earth today again the second time. And I believe that it’s on the earth today. And it is preaching a great message of repentance through a mighty man of God who does no miracles, speaks not of miracles, but blasting the world down with a message of repentance. AND FOLLOWING JOHN CAME JESUS, not preaching too much, not much of a preacher, but was performing signs and wonders as a vindication that John’s ministry was in season and a vindicated. SO WE’RE THANKFUL TO THE LORD TO BE LIVING TO SEE THE DAY THAT HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF AGAIN. And we’re living in that day.
64-0614M – The Unveiling Of God
William Marrion Branham
42 Brother Roy Roberson from the church here, standing present, I guess all of you know him. Knowing he was a veteran, and knowing what was going to take place, I put my hand on his shoulder; I said, “Brother Roberson, be careful, watch, something is fixing to happen.” 43 I walked back to where I was supposed to be standing, and out of the air came a whirlwind, down through a canyon, from above, that was so great till it tore rocks, eight or ten inches through, out of the top of the mountain, and throwed them two hundred yards out in. And clapped three times like that, and a Voice came from it. See? 44 And all of them standing there. Brother Banks, present now, came up and said, “That was what you told me yesterday?” I said, “Yes, sir, that’s it.” He said, “Now, what did It say?” 45 I said, “Now, that’s just for me to know, Brother Banks, see, because it was…It would alarm people.” 46 But It went ahead, it happened just a little…traveling northward. A little, few days later It hit in the ocean, and you seen what happened around Fairbanks. It was a judgment sign. Now we find that—that God still…You see, it’d throw people into panics. And so then they had…That had to happen, see. It just has to happen. The things that’s got to happen has got to happen, anyhow. See, it’s going to happen, anyhow. 47 Moses one time desired to see God, and God told him to stand on the rock. And, on the rock, Moses stood and he seen God pass by, and His back looked like the back of a man. God was in a whirlwind, and God…while Moses standing on the rock. 48 I guess you all seen the picture out there the other day, WE STOOD BY THAT SAME ROCK. And here is that Light, the ANGEL OF THE LORD, RIGHT THERE WHERE IT CLAPPED. Standing…It’s right on the bulletin board there now, again. 49 Notice, Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament. See? He is the same God, just changing His form. 50 Now, someone said the other day, a—a—a Baptist minister out in Tucson, “How can you say that—that Jesus and God would be the same Person?” 51 I said, “Well, it’s very easy if you just let your own thinking get away, and think the Bible terms of it. They are the selfsame Being. God is a Spirit; Jesus is the body that He was veiled in. See?” I said, “Like in my home. To my wife, I am her husband. And I have a young daughter, Rebekah, I am her father. And I have a grandson, and his name is Paul, I am his grandfather. I am husband, father, and grandfather. And my wife has no claims on me as father or grandfather; she has claims on me alone as husband. And my daughter has no claims on me as husband or grandfather; she is my child. See? But yet all these three persons is the same person. See? That’s God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is just the dispensation claims.” GOD IS SAME, THE SAME GOD. 52 GOD CHANGED HIMSELF, CHANGES HIS FORM. If you notice here in Philippians, He said, “Not thinking it robbery, but took the form of man.” 53 Now, the Greek word there for that form, I’ve been looking at it all day yesterday, trying to think out what it was, I find, come with this word of en morphe. It’s spelled e-n m-o-r-p-h-e. Looking in the Greek, to find out what en morphe was…I may pronounce that wrong, but reason I spell it, when if a tape is released, the people will, scholars will, know what I—I mean by it. He, when the en morphe, that means that He changed Hisself. He, He come down. Now, the Greek word there means, that, “Something that could not be seen, yet it’s there, and then it’s changed and the eye can catch it.” See? 54 Like Elijah was, at Dothan. See, the—the servant couldn’t see all those Angels around there, and God just changed; not brought the Angels down, but He changed the seeing of the servant. And there was the mountains full of Angels, and fire, and horses of fire, and chariots of fire, all around His prophet. See, they, He changed the seeing. The—the thing is already there. 55 So, that what I’m trying to say, that God that always was is here. The only thing He done when He become man, He changed His mask. See? He—He, this en morphe, He—He changed HIMSELF TO WHAT HE WAS TO WHAT HE IS, OR HIS MASK, ANOTHER ACT. 56 Like in a great drama. As I was speaking this morning, kind of catching up on this of Shakespeare. It’s been a long time. But when Shakespeare wrote the—the—the drama, the…for King James of England, when he…the character of Macbeth. See, Shakespeare did not believe in witches; but in the play, for the king did believe in witches, so he had to include witches. See? And now, in order to do this, they change the cast. 57 Becky here, in Carmen, they acted that in the—in the school where she just graduated a few weeks ago. Now, maybe one person played three or four parts. In order to do that, he—he changed his mask. Sometimes he comes out, he’s this character; and the next time he comes out, he’s another character. But it is the same person all the time. 58 AND THAT’S GOD. HE CHANGED HIMSELF FROM—FROM A PILLAR OF FIRE, TO BECOME A MAN. THEN CHANGED HISSELF FROM THAT, BACK IN THE SPIRIT AGAIN, THAT HE MIGHT DWELL IN MAN. God acting in man what He really was. Jesus Christ, was God acting in Man, in a Man. In a Man, that’s what He was. He had changed from the Pillar of Fire, and then had come in; which was a veil in the wilderness, that hid God from Israel. Moses seen the shape of His body, but really He was hid all the time behind this Pillar of Fire, which was the Logos that went from God. 59 Now we find here, now since Pentecost, GOD IS NOT ACTING IN MAN, OR ACT…NOW HE IS ACTING THROUGH MAN. SEE? HE WAS ACTING IN A MAN THEN, JESUS. NOW HE IS ACTING THROUGH MAN THAT HE HAS CHOSEN FOR THIS PURPOSE. GOD, IN THE FORM OF MAN, HE CHANGED HIMSELF FROM THE FORM OF—OF A…OF GOD, TO A FORM OF MAN.
65-0725E – What Is The Attraction On The Mountain?
William Marrion Branham
133 He, the Voice, come back, said, “Not a king’s sword, but, ‘THE KING’S SWORD,’ THE WORD OF THE LORD.” SAID, “FEAR NOT. IT’S ONLY THE THIRD PULL. IT’S THE VINDICATION OF YOUR MINISTRY.”
64-0719M- Feast Of The Trumpets
William Marrion Branham
And we’ve got to come to a place again, to something that’s going to introduce the Messiah. And how will the people that’s believing Him know it, UNLESS THEY’RE CONSTANTLY IN THE WORD TO KNOW WHAT HE IS. Daniel said the wise shall know, but the foolish, the unwise wouldn’t know. They shall know their God. Now, HE SAID IT’LL APPEAR IN THE LAST DAYS IS TO BRING THE PEOPLE BACK TO THE WORD, SO THAT THE BRIDE WILL KNOW HER HUSBAND, KNOW HER MATE, THE REVEALED WORD. That’s why this has to happen. It wasn’t in the reformers; wasn’t in Luther, Wesley, and the Pentecostals, and them; the Scripture says it wasn’t. But it will come; that is His promise for this age. We’re living in the age that His coming will be in. She must be identified in Him. Any woman must be identified with her husband, for the two are one. And Christ’s Bride has to be identified with Him, for the two are One, AND HE IS THE WORD, not the denomination, the Word. We are to be the children of the Light, and the Light is the Word, which is made Light for this age. How do we know Light, except It comes from the Word. All right. THE WORD MADE FLESH is the Light of the age when you see It; the Bible said so.
64-0719M – The Feast Of The Trumpets
William Marrion Branham
06 The Bride must step out of the way, to go up now; SO THE TWO SERVANTS, THE TWO SERVANTS OF GOD, IN REVELATION, THE TWO PROPHETS, CAN APPEAR UPON THE SCENE, TO SOUND THE SEVENTH TRUMPET TO THEM, MAKE KNOWN TO THEM THE CHRIST. 307 The seventh angel, messenger, say, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!” Not, “behold my Methodist, my Baptist, my Pentecostal.” BUT, “THE WORD, THE SON OF GOD, THE LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD,” for no other foundations is there! You see? 308 How long have we got? The Jews are in their homeland. The Bride is called. Scripturally, everything just exactly what He promised. We’re ready. The hour is here. Nations are breaking, Israel is awakening,
64-0621 – The Trial
William Marrion Branham
145 And He spoke down on the river, He said, “AS JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS SENT FORTH TO PROCLAIM THE COMING OF CHRIST, AT THE END OF HIS MINISTRY, JESUS CAME. AND AS JOHN WAS SENT, SO WILL YOUR MINISTRY FORERUN THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST.” And there’s been a universal revival amongst the people of God, throughout the world, in the last fifteen years; the longest revival. Any historian knows that no revival lasts over three years. And this is fifteen years. And look at the church today, it’s cooled off. We’re waiting for His Coming. He is a vindicating Himself, showing.
63-0118 Spirit of Truth
William Branham
65-0815 – And Knoweth It Not
William Marrion Branham
94 I’m only building. The hour is close at hand when you’re going to see something happen, when something is going to take place. AND ALL THIS BACKGROUND HERE HAS ONLY BEEN LAYING A FOUNDATION FOR A SHORT, QUICK MESSAGE THAT WILL SHAKE THE WHOLE NATIONS.
63-1229E – Look Away To Jesus
William Marrion Branham
65-0221M – Marriage And Divorce
William Marrion Branham
But if you are married…And God bore me witness of that, on the mountain, that I could say THIS, A SUPERNATURAL REVELATION, BECAUSE OF THE OPENING OF THE SEVEN SEALS, and this is a question in God’s Word. “Let them go on in as they are, and sin no more!” 314 “It wasn’t so from the beginning.” That is right, it wasn’t so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God’s servant…I won’t call myself His prophet; but I believe maybe, if I wouldn’t be sent for that, I’M LAYING A GROUND FOR HIM WHEN HE DOES COME.
65-1204 – The Rapture
William Marrion Branham
59 And even what is eat today, don’t try to keep it for tomorrow. “Burn it with fire, before daylight come,” FOR THERE’S A NEW MESSAGE COMING FORTH, AND A NEW THING. See, try to hold it over, but that’s been the attitude of the church. A revival goes forth, and the first thing you know, within about three years, they start an organization over it. A denomination starts, organization.
60-0722 – Watchman, What Of The Night?
William Marrion Branham
Now, the second ministry’s leaving, and the third is entering in. So I’m so glad about it.
64-0617 – The Identified Christ Of All Ages
William Marrion Branham
THEY FAILED TO SEE HIM BECAUSE HE WAS CLOTHED IN HIS HUMAN TEMPLE, GOD IN A MAN. HUMAN FLESH WAS WHAT BLINDED THEM. THEY COULDN’T UNDERSTAND. “You, being a man, make Yourself God, or equal with God.” 140 He said, “Well, if you could call them by the law, and no Scriptures can be broken, you call them ‘gods,’ they were, who the Word of God came to.” 141 Then, HE IS THE FULLNESS OF THAT WORD, THE WORD THAT WAS FOR THAT DAY, THE SON OF GOD, THE REDEEMER; WHEN GOD, HIMSELF, HE COME ON EARTH AND DWELT IN A MAN, TO TAKE DEATH UPON HIMSELF, TO REDEEM THE WHOLE, that Tree out of the garden of Eden, not the woman; the Man, THE SECOND ADAM who died and went into the ground, to bring out those substance, amen, them leaves that had fallen back yonder, TO BRING THEM FORTH IN THE RESURRECTION. How much could be said about that, would take us hours! 142 But we’re here to the spot now. THE GENTILES OF THAT DAY FAILED TO SEE IT, BECAUSE IT WAS IN HUMAN FLESH. I WONDER IF WE’LL DO THE SAME THING. I wonder if we’ll make the sad mistake that they did, fail to know Him? Because, HE WAS, HE THE WORD FOR THAT AGE, WAS IDENTIFIED IN A HUMAN BODY.
62-0727 – We Would See Jesus
William Marrion Branham
“You must remember, that Moses told us not to be deceived, but the Lord God would raise up this Messiah, and He would be a prophet.” 45 SO WHEN JOHN CAME, THEY ASKED HIM. HE SAID, “ART THOU THAT PROPHET?” HE SAID, “I AM NOT. BUT HE COMES AFTER ME. I’M NOT WORTHY TO BEAR THE LATCH ON HIS SHOES. HE’S COMING AFTER ME. I AM NOT THAT PROPHET, BUT HE WILL COME AFTER ME. And I say unto you that He’s among you now, and you don’t know it.” And He was. Said, “There’s One standing among you right now Who you know not. He is the One.” He was so sure He was living in that day just before… HE KNOWED HIS JOB WAS TO ANNOUNCE THE MESSIAH. AND WHEN HE WAS ANNOUNCING THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH, HE KNOWED IT HAD TO BE IN THAT AGE RIGHT THERE. So he said, “He’s among you. He’s on earth today. He’s standing among you.”
62-0527 – Questions And Answers
William Marrion Branham
179 So I’ve watched for something. HAS IT SLIPPED BY US IN HUMILITY AND WE’VE MISSED IT? IS IT GONE AND THE CHURCH IS LEFT IN HER SINS? If that be so, then it’s later than you think. If not, then THERE’S COMING ONE WITH A MESSAGE THAT’S STRAIGHT ON THE BIBLE, AND QUICK WORK WILL CIRCLE THE EARTH. THE SEEDS WILL GO IN NEWSPAPERS, READING MATERIAL, UNTIL EVERY PREDESTINATED SEED OF GOD HAS HEARD IT. None of them will come unless the Father has drawed them, and every one the Father has drawed will hear It and come. That’ll be, the predestinated Seed will hear the Word. 180 Then when that takes place, it’ll be a gathering together. And Jesus shall appear, and there will go the Church from all over the earth like that, with the resurrection, going up. 181 WILL IT BE LIKE JOHN CAME, AND EVEN THE ELECTED DISCIPLES DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT? THEY SAID, “WHY SAITH THE SCRIBES THAT ELIAS MUST FIRST COME?” 182 HE SAID, “HE’S ALREADY COME AND YOU DIDN’T KNOW IT.” But said, “They did what they said they would do unto him.” His message was so quick, look, to all of Israel, and it only happened in one little pla-…two—two little spots: just below in Jerusalem and there, or down at Aenon where John went up to baptize, and right down at the river where he was baptizing, the river dried up. Just six months, and THE WHOLE INTRODUCTION OF THE MESSIAH COME RIGHT IN. SEE? 183 HAVE WE OVERLOOKED SOMETHING? Is it later than we think? This is a heart-to-heart talk now. This is, just tonight, just to…Yeah, it’s just—just us talking here. Is it later than you think? Was that actually that Message there at the river that day? Has it slipped by, and the people has missed It? Is that It? Then it really is later than we think. When will it be? I don’t know. Might be tonight. Might be another fifty years. I don’t know when it’ll be, I’ll just keep on going on as I am now. Well, what is it? Am I looking for something?
55-0501E – The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints
William Marrion Branham
2 Now, that was the beginning of the faith that was first delivered to the saints. Let’s see what Jesus did. And then we can have a good conception about what the faith is. Now, He introduced it. John introduced Him, by a miracle, a sign, or halo over Him in the shape of a dove. And it went upon Him. And John heard the Spirit say, “Now, ever Who you see this Light over, and He goes into Him, that’ll be the Messiah, because that is the sign of the Messiah.” Amen. “John, to you that’s the sign; you’ll see it.”
65-0725M – The Anointed Ones At The End Time
William Marrion Branham
262 Notice, the very day when this messenger…Not when he starts on, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; THIRD PULL, THE OPENING OF THE WORD, THE MYSTERIES REVEALED. NO MORE, THERE IS NO MORE HIGHER ORDER TO REVEAL THE WORD, THAN PROPHETS. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the Word. And, remember, the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals, to reveal the hidden Truth that’s been sealed in the Word. Do you see it?
63-0320 – The Third Seal
William Marrion Branham
176 Now notice, now, and here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as nat-…as Hebrew Eve was promised, the Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return. And the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then SHE IS PROMISED IN THE LAST DAYS THAT THE WORD WILL COME AGAIN. Now you say, then…177 You want another Scripture, take over here, REVELATION 10. AND SAID, “IN THE HOUR, THE TIME OF THE—THE LAST ANGEL, THE SEVENTH ANGEL (SEVENTH MESSENGER) BEGINS TO SOUND, THE MYSTERY OF GOD IS FINISHED.” SEE? THE RESTORATION BACK TO THE WORD! THE BIBLE SAID THAT THIS MESSENGER OF THE LAST DAYS WOULD BE, “RESTORE THEM BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FAITH AGAIN, BACK TO THE FAITH OF THE FATHERS.” But do you think they receive It? No, sir. “Last days, He would restore the original Word again,” as He said in Malachi 4. 178 But she had forfeited. Now, she had forfeit that Word at Nicaea. Eve forfeited in Eden; Eve rejected hers at Calvary. And Nicaea’s group is rejecting It in the last days, just the same. My! 179 But when the Word came in human flesh, she, Eve, the Hebrew church, mother of all spiritual living at then, she rejected It. She was so dead, in her traditions and dogmas, that she missed It. So is this one, exactly. All right. 180 They miss Him, the living Word manifested in the flesh, by the Word that is promised. The Word promised to do these things. The promise was made, that it’ll be like this in the last days. “As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the Coming of the Son of man.” Now watch what happened at Sodom. “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.” See? Watch what happened then. See? Now, He said it would be the same thing, and we live in that day. Well, and it could be, I guess, I could get six hundred promises of them like that, out of the Scripture, just referring to it. See? Now, but, they reject It. 181 She held to traditions and substitute, instead of the—the… She held to the substitute blood, instead of the real Blood. Jesus, the Word, said, when It was manifested to her, “Because she held to these traditions…” Jesus, the manifested Word, said to the bride, Hebrew bride, “Because you hold to your traditions, you make the Word of God without any effect to you. It can’t be effective.” 182 Now that’s what’s the reason today, that, the—the revivals that we’re supposed to have, we have denominational revivals. We haven’t had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir. Don’t think we got revivals. We haven’t. Oh, they’ve got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No. No. 183 THE—THE BRIDE HASN’T HAD A REVIVAL YET. SEE? THERE’S BEEN NO REVIVAL THERE, NO MANIFESTATION OF GOD TO STIR THE BRIDE YET. SEE? WE’RE LOOKING FOR IT NOW. IT’LL TAKE THOSE SEVEN UNKNOWN THUNDERS BACK THERE, TO WAKE HER UP AGAIN, SEE. YEAH. HE’LL SEND IT. He promised it. Now watch. 184 Now, she was—she was dead. And now if the churches would forget their creeds, and forget their dogmas, and just take the Bible, plead the promise, then it would come effective to them. But, see, Jesus said, “You, with your traditions, make the Word of God not effective to you.” Well, that’s the same thing today with spiritual Eve, see, the spiritual bride of today, so-called, the church. She takes the Word of God, and she won’t accept It. And she accepts dogmas, instead. Therefore, the Word is not effective to her, see, because she tries to inject her creed with the Word, and it won’t work. Now, what we need today… 185 I just keep reading this here, Herald of His Coming, across the headlines, “WE NEED A PROPHET TO RETURN! WE NEED A PROPHET TO RETURN!” AND I GUESS, WHEN HE DOES RETURN, THEY’LL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT. Just…That’s right. It’s always been that way, you see. “We need it,” everything you talk about, “we need a prophet to return, who will bring the Word of the Lord, fearless. We believe the Bible promised it.”
65-1204 – The Rapture
William Marrion Branham
129 Now I want you to notice a great thing taking place here now. Don’t miss this. See? Now notice. The Word says here, in Second Thessalonians, that there is three things. Notice. From the 13th to the 16th verse, there IS THREE THINGS THAT HAS TO HAPPEN BEFORE THE LORD HIMSELF APPEARS. Quickly now, so we can close. See? The first thing happens…Notice: a SHOUT, A VOICE, A TRUMPET. Let’s read It now and see if that’s right. See? For the Lord himself (16th verse) shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and…the trump of God:… 130 THREE THINGS HAPPENS: A VOICE…A SHOUT, A VOICE, A TRUMPET, HAS TO HAPPEN BEFORE JESUS APPEARS. NOW, A SHOUT…JESUS DOES ALL THREE OF THEM WHEN HE’S—HE’S—HE’S—HE’S DESCENDING.
62-1014M – The Stature Of A Perfect Man
William Marrion Branham
60 Now, after we get through with the Seven Seals, then, at that time of the sounding of the Seventh Seal, or the loosening… Course, we know what A SEAL IS, IS TO LOOSE THE MINISTRY, to loose Seven Seals. And we’ll see that right on the chart. IS LOOSING A MESSAGE, SOMETHING THAT’S SEALED UP.
65-1128E – On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove
William Marrion Branham
211 I laid my hands against the rock and looked up towards Heaven and started praying. I heard a Voice coming out of the top of the rocks there, said, “What are you leaning against, over your heart?” And I raised back like this, my bare shoulders; naked from my waist up, hot. I looked back. And there was wrote in the quartz, in the stone, “WHITE EAGLE”; JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE VISION SAID THAT THE NEXT MESSAGE WOULD COME FORTH BY. 212 I was so excited, I run home; got a camera and come back the next day, and took the picture of it. It was still there, wrote in the rock: “White Eagle.” (Dove leading eagle.)
63-1130B – Influence
William Marrion Branham
110 “I MUST DECREASE; HE MUST INCREASE.” GOD CAN’T HAVE TWO ON THE EARTH AT THE SAME TIME. Only one has the message, you know. “I MUST DECREASE; HE IS THE MESSENGER. I’VE BEEN UP TO THIS TIME, NOW HE TAKES MY PLACE.” As Elisha, when Elijah went up and throwed back his robe to Elisha; his ministry was finished, Elisha must take up where he left off. “He must increase; I must decrease,” John the Baptist.
61-1231E – If God Be With Us, Then Where Is All The Miracles?
William Marrion Branham
53 Now I want you to notice another thing that might encourage you. Immediately after that prophet’s Message, the Lord appeared on the scene. Amen! As soon as he gave his Message, the Lord appeared under a tree. The Lord came, after the Message of the prophet, sitting under a tree. The prophet gave…The people fell away, got off in their isms. God sent His prophet. SOON AS THE PROPHET GOT THROUGH WITH HIS MESSAGE, THE LORD FOLLOWED THE PROPHET’S MESSAGE, FOR DELIVERANCE! 54 Oh, we are living in a grand time! Immediately when the prophet went off the scene, what happened? The Lord came on the scene! AS SOON AS JOHN WENT OFF THE SCENE, THE LORD CAME ON THE SCENE! Very strange how God works, but He does it, works in mysterious way.
63-0324E – The Seventh Seal
William Marrion Branham
326 I’m only telling you what I seen and what has been told to me. And now you—you do whatever you want to. I don’t know who is going to…what’s going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those Seven Thunders holds that mystery. The Heavens was quiet. Everybody understand? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] IT MAY BE TIME, IT MAY BE THE HOUR NOW, THAT THIS GREAT PERSON THAT WE’RE EXPECTING TO RISE ON THE SCENE MAY ARISE ON THE SCENE. 327 Maybe this ministry, that I have tried to take people back to the Word, has laid a foundation; and if it has, I’ll be leaving you, for good. There won’t be two of us here the same time. See? If it is, he’ll increase; I’ll decrease. I don’t know. 328 But I have been privileged, by God, to look and see what It was, see, see unfold to that much. Now, that is the Truth.
53-1213E – Faith
William Marrion Branham
42 Listen, God bless you. I want to tell you just one thing. I know I’m holding long, but I just want this one little thing. I know, and I want you to remember. There’s something fixing to happen. Remember, I told you that. There’s a step up coming in the Church now. See? These things that you’re now seeing, are going to be just little things after while. Something’s a moving. And I say this by the power of the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom I… Every one in our doctrine, in our baptism, we’ve come to a place, but THERE’S SOME KEY THAT’LL UNLOCK SOMETHING HERE. Now, he saw the Book sealed on seven seals. And when the… Daniel saw the same, and when the thunders uttered their voices He said, “Don’t write,” what that was in the Scripture, but it’d be revealed in the last days. We’re at the time. We’re at Kadesh right now. 43 Here a few nights ago, I went into Brother Vibbert’s, over from—over at Paducah, Kentucky, crossed over into Evansville. Oh, Brother Bosworth was with me. And I said, that day I said… It just kept burning on my heart a message, that I knowed that something God had promised on the opening up of the power, yet I’m waiting now for Him, which I believe will appear to me visibly. I say it with reverence; I’ve seen Him twice. ’Course it was vision. He was standing in the air. One night I stood, and I even broke a straw off the field, put it in my mouth and chewed it. Looked again, I said, “Surely this is not vision.” I stood there in the broom sedge a looking. I’d been praying all night. And I looked again; I SEEN HIM WITH HIS FOOT LIKE THAT AND HIS HANDS FOLDED, LOOKING TOWARDS THE EAST. 44 And I walked around this way and cleared my throat. And when He looked around at me, raised out His arms, I fainted and didn’t come to till the next morning. And I have an idea what He looks like. And I’ve been feeling for the last few months that I’ll see Him again. Here in… pretty soon that He will reveal again His… SOMETHING THAT’S FIXING TO COME FORTH. Oh, brother, if I have it right, God forgive me if I’m wrong, but seeing it in the Scripture, seeing that when He rose and ascended up, He received a new man… Name that no one knowed about. Then I see Him coming in His power. I went over, and I said, “Don’t no one bother me today. Let me stay alone.”
63-0317E – The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals
William Marrion Branham
29 This Seven-Seal Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelation 10, now, if you’re marking it down. Let’s turn to Revelation 10, just a moment, so you’ll get an understanding before we get into it. Now, this is at the end time. For, listen: …I SAW ANOTHER MIGHTY ANGEL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, CLOTHED WITH A CLOUD: AND A RAINBOW…UPON HIS HEAD,… 30 IF YOU NOTICE, THAT’S CHRIST, see. Cause, He, in the Old Testament, WAS CALLED THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT. And He is directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See? All right. …and his face…as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: 31 You remember that Angel in Revelation 1? Same thing. Angel is a “messenger.” And He’s the Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured, see, now, or fixing to be raptured. He comes for His Church. Now watch. And he had in his hand a little book open:… 32 Now, here, It was closed here and sealed; and here It’s open. It’s been opened. Since that time of the sealing, we’re getting into tonight, now the Book is open. “A little Book in His hand, in His…It was open. Oh, how the sun, as pillars…” Wait just a minute. Let me start back here and read. AND HE HAD IN HIS HAND A LITTLE BOOK OPEN: AND HE SET HIS RIGHT FOOT UPON THE SEA, AND HIS LEFT FOOT UPON THE EARTH, AND HE CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, AS WHEN A LION ROAR:… 33 WE KNOW HE IS THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA. OVER HERE HE’S THE LAMB; BUT HERE HE’S THE LION. SEE? …AND WHEN HE HAD CRIED, SEVEN THUNDERS UTTERED THEIR VOICES. 34 Now, John was commissioned to write what he saw, so the apostle, and prophet, picked up his pen to write It. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. 35 Now, that’s what we don’t know. THAT’S YET TO BE REVEALED. It’s not in Holy Script, what them Thunders say. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hands to heaven, (now listen) And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created the heavens, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things…therein are, and…there should be time no longer: 36 Watch! Here is a verse I want to get to. But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. 37 Now, see, the mystery of this Seven-Seal Book will be revealed at the sounding of the seventh church angel’s Message. See? “The seventh angel begins to sound,” and there is the Messages wrote out there, and we got It in tape and book form. Now, “At the beginning of the sounding of the Message, the mystery of God should be finished, see, at that time.” Now we will notice. The Book, of the mystery of God, is not revealed until the seventh angel’s Message is sounded. 38 Now, these points will be important in the Seals, I’m sure, ’cause It must, every bit, tie together. 39 Now, It’s wrote mysterious, because no man, nowhere, knows It. God alone, Jesus Christ, see. Now, but is…It is a Book, a mysterious Book. It’s the Book of Redemption. We’ll get into that, in a little while. And now we know that this Book of Redemption will not be thoroughly understood; It’s probed at, through six church ages. But at the end, when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at. And the mysteries comes down from God, as the Word of God, and reveals the entire revelation of God, then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries, serpent’s seed, and whatever more, is to be revealed. 40 Now, you see, I’m just not making that up. That’s what… It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. I’ll read It to you out of the Book, “The sounding of the seventh angel’s Message, the mystery of God should be finished, that’s been declared by His holy prophets,” that’s the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding, of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends, that through these church ages has been probed at, WILL BE WOUND UP TOGETHER. 41 AND WHEN THE SEALS ARE BROKE, AND THE MYSTERY IS REVEALED, DOWN COMES THE ANGEL, THE MESSENGER, CHRIST, SETTING HIS FOOT UPON THE LAND AND UPON THE SEA, WITH A RAINBOW OVER HIS HEAD. Now, remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this Coming. 42 JUST AS JOHN WAS GIVING HIS MESSAGE, THE SAME TIME THAT MESSIAH COME IN THE DAYS. JOHN KNEW HE WOULD SEE HIM, BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO INTRODUCE HIM. 43 And we realize that, in the Scriptures, over in Malachi 4, there is to be a one like John, an—an Elijah to whom the Word of God can come to. And he is to reveal, by the Holy Spirit, all the mysteries of God, and restore the Faith of the children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers, restore back all these mysteries that’s been probed at, through these denominational years. Now, that’s what the Word said. I’m just responsible for what It said. See? It’s—It’s written, is right. That’s what It is. 44 Now, we see that this Seven-Seal Book, now, is the mystery of redemption. It’s a Book of Redemption, from God. 45 Now, all the mysteries, at this time, should be finished at the sounding of this messenger. Now, here is the angel on earth; and “another” Angel, mighty Messenger, come down. See, this angel was an earthly angel, messenger; BUT HERE COMES ONE DOWN FROM HEAVEN, A RAINBOW COVENANT, SEE, ONLY CHRIST IT COULD BE.
61-0618 – Revelation, Chapter Five #2
William Marrion Branham
And, remember, Jesus said, “Some fell asleep in the first watch, one age; ANOTHER ONE IN THE NEXT WATCH, THE NEXT AGE; NEXT; AND THE NEXT; PLUMB ON TO THE SEVENTH WATCH. AND IN THE SEVENTH WATCH THE BRIDEGROOM COME, AND THEN ALL OF THEM AWAKENED.” Remember that? 203 So it’s seven “ages” was the seven horns, and seven churches, or the “seven ti-…dispensations of the body of believers.” Oh, It’s just as perfect as it can be. Jeremiah…My, “the Book,” “ages,” how it was redeemed! How…[Blank spot on tape—Ed.]…right here. 204 The seven and last one of these seals, when they’re opened, it’s found in Revelation the 10th chapter, THERE WAS A MIGHTY ANGEL (WHICH WAS CHRIST) CAME DOWN AND PUT ONE FOOT ON THE LAND AND ONE ON THE SEA, AND RAISED UP HIS HAND AND SAYS, “THE DAY IS FINISHED. Time is run out. It’s all over. Time shall be no more.” 205 And He said, “At the sounding of the…at this time, the mystery of God should be finished.” Who God is and how He was made manifest; how when that seal was opened, how we begin to understand now how that He was the Son of God, He was God Himself made flesh; and THE REVELATION OF WHO HE IS; THAT SHOULD BE FINISHED BEFORE THIS ANGEL CAN PUT HIS FEET UPON THE LAND AND SEA AND SWARE THAT “THERE’LL BE TIME NO MORE” WHEN THIS TIME COMES. WE’RE RIGHT IN THAT FRONT YARD OF IT RIGHT NOW. See? 206 THE LAST ONE OF THEM IS REVELATION 10, “FOOT ON LAND AND ON SEA,” TIME HAD RUN OUT, REDEMPTION IS OVER, AND NOW HE COMES IN AS A LION. HE WAS A LAMB THEN, NOW HE COMES IN AS LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA.
61-0428 – Getting In The Spirit
William Marrion Branham
12 However, God always makes a—a way for His Church. WHEN HE’S FINISHED WITH ONE MAN, HE HAS ANOTHER ONE WAITING. And God takes His man, but never His Spirit. He always got somebody else He can put His Spirit on. And it’s strange, but through the Bible, He never had two prophets, major prophets in operation at the same time. He always had one prophet. Then when He got through with that one, He—taken him away and put another one in his place. 13 That’s what He had did. He’d just change messengers, but the same Spirit: Elijah and Elisha. And how I wished I had time to enter it tonight, to notice that when God had called the old tired prophet off the field… He had preached against Jezebel and her worldly crowd, and bawled out Ahabs, and leaders, and ministerial associations and everything till he was tired. And God was going to take him home. So He just brought him down to the river and…
64-0321E – The Voice Of The Sign
William Marrion Branham
149 Look at John, no selfishness in him. He never took any glory. They tried to call him the Messiah; but he said, “I’m not worthy to loose His shoes.” 150 But as soon as Jesus appeared, He had a sign, a Pillar of Fire, a Light above Him, like a dove come down a Voice saying, “This is My beloved Son, Whom I’m well pleased.” 151 NOTICE, AND JOHN IMMEDIATELY SAID, “HE MUST INCREASE. I MUST DECREASE.” He presented the Church to Christ. Amen. 152 WE ARE TOLD THAT, IN THE LAST DAYS, THAT WILL REPEAT AGAIN! THERE IS GOING TO BE A MESSAGE COME FORTH, THAT WILL INTRODUCE THE MESSIAH TO THE PEOPLE. And it’ll be in such a way, they’ll stand dumbfounded like they did then. He promised it. The next chapter of Matthew, of Malachi, tells us about it. Watch. 153 They asked about it. John’s nature identified him in the spirit of Elijah. Now notice the two prophets. 154 Now, Elijah was a man who rose up in the time of Israel, in a chaos. 155 Ahab was king. And all the women had mocked after Jezebel, and probably waterhead haircuts and everything, probably like we got today. And all had went after Jezebel. And the pastors thought that just fine. “Let them alone. Let them do it.” 156 And at that time, God raised up a man from the wilderness, by the name of Elijah. We don’t even know where he come from. He didn’t have no school to identify him. But he raised up, and he condemned all that stuff. He condemned the whole set-up. 157 If he would come on the scene, today, he would condemn our set-up too. 158 He condemned every Jezebel. And it, finally, it was her that broke the prophet down. Run out, like John; laid under the juniper tree when Jezebel was going to kill him. She hated him. 159 And then we find out that when John came, out of the wilderness again, a lover of the wilderness, with a message straight to modern women living divorced and married, and remarried, he cut the thing to pieces. He never come from any school. He come from God, a man sent from God. And he condemned the modern women, against them hard, and he never pulled no punches. But he plainly said the time was at hand, the Messiah was going to speak. Look at that. 160 Now compare the time of Elijah’s first coming with some of these modern prophets of today, letting their Jezebels cut their hair, and wear shorts, smoke cigarettes, anything they want to do, lead them around. Better not say nothing, she’ll leave him, get another one. Leading them around by manmade creeds; that’s a shame, doctrines of man. And, by doing that, they make the commandments of God of none effect, ’cause they can join church and still profess to be Christians, and hold their rights and say they are Christians, and go on. That’s what they want. that’s what they did then. 161 BUT, REMEMBER, IT’S AT SUCH A TIME AS THAT, AS GOD PROMISED IN MALACHI 4, THAT HE WOULD FULFILL THE WORD AGAIN. THAT’S RIGHT. LOOK WHERE WE’RE AT TODAY, JUST LIKE IT WAS IN THE TIME OF JOHN, JUST LIKE IT WAS IN THE OTHER TIMES.
61-0112 – Questions And Answers
William Marrion Branham
430 All right. What was it? The people were under such expectations of the Messiah to appear, when they seen this great anointed ministry, of a man coming out of the wilderness and having his campaign and going back in the wilderness, many man, that was his own followers, said, “He is the Messiah.” They was expecting it, see. 431 THEN IF THIS IS THE TRUE MESSAGE OF GOD FORERUNNING THE COMING, OF JOHN THE BAPTIST, THE SAME…LIKE THE SAME THING, THE ELIJAH MESSAGE, IT’LL HAVE TO BE THOUGHT OF IN THE SAME MANNER. See? So that answers that question, I think, exactly. See? It’s got to be thought in the same manner. See? 432 [A brother asks, “Is there anything that we are responsible to do in order to try to help anybody that would—would take in a—in a conflict like that? Or what could we do?”—Ed.] There wouldn’t be nothing, there’s nothing you can do. [“A reprobate mind…Could that develop into a reprobate mind?”] Well, it would come to a reprobate mind if it come to this: if the man, that was it was spoken of, would witness that he was the Messiah, then we know he’d be a false christ. See? 433 See, as long as the man himself would hold his position, you see. Like they told John, John didn’t…It don’t say nothing there about him saying anything about them. They were—they were the—the people, the—the lovely Christians who…or the believers that was believing on John. 434 They said, “This man truly is a prophet of God, there’s no doubt.” They said, “Are—are—are—are—aren’t you that Prophet?” HE SAID, “NO.” 435 HE SAID, “WHY, ARE—ARE—AREN’T YOU THE MESSIAH?” SEE, THEY—THEY THOUGHT HE REALLY WAS. SEE? HE SAID, “NO.” SEE? “ARE—ARE—AREN’T YOU? WHO—WHO ARE YOU?” HE SAID, “I’M THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS.” 436 And then the Bible said, “The people being under expectations.” Who was that? His hearers, his listeners, his followers, his brethren. See? Now, they didn’t want to hurt him, they wasn’t trying to hurt him. But, see, they—they thought actually in their hearts that he was the Messiah. 437 Well, now, history has to repeat itself on every occasion. We know that. It has to repeat itself. 438 Like you take over there in Matthew 3, it said, “That it might be fulfilled, spoken of the prophet, ‘Out of Egypt I have called my son.’” Now, that wasn’t…It was speaking of Jesus, the Son; but run the reference; it was Jacob, the son, too. See? See? It all has a compound meaning. 439 So now if that…if—if that thing did not rise, I would still say it was in the future to rise, BECAUSE I KNOW THIS MESSAGE COMES FROM GOD AND IT’S THE FORERUNNING OF CHRIST, and it is the Spirit and the power of Elijah because it’s to restore the hearts of the children. Everything exactly vindicates it, so it’s bound to shape up to a thing to be like that under the true people, that—that’s absolutely believe and your brothers and friends.
64-0629 – The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us
William Marrion Branham
66 And notice the very words that Jesus expressed to them, afterwards. He said, “Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground, dies, it abides alone.” IN OTHER WORDS, THEY WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE HIM IN THE CHANGE, IN THE MASK THAT HE WAS IN THEN, BECAUSE HE WAS VEILED IN HUMAN FLESH. But when this corn of Wheat fell into the ground, then It would bring forth all races. He was sent to the Jews, of course, at that time. But this corn of Wheat must fall; veiled God, in human’s flesh, hidden from unbelievers, but being revealed to believers. 67 In John 1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, AND DWELT AMONG US, AND WE BEHELD HIM, THE ONLY BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER, FULL OF GRACE.” Now, in the beginning was the Word. A Word is a thought expressed.
65-1128E – On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove
William Marrion Branham
98 Also used in Matthew 3:16, again when God’s wrath was on the earth. And there was no way, the darkest of night, midnight, the churches had got things in such a twist till there was no way to get out of it. And there was false teachers, all kinds of things coming up, all kinds of professions coming up, but God used a dove again. It pleased Him, His Son Jesus had pleased Him so well, that He identified Him. 99 Now, they couldn’t believe that this baby that was born down there in that stable in a manger of hay…before His father and mother, supposingly to be, was married. They couldn’t imagine God using anything like that. So He had to be identified to the world; and that day down on the river, when He walked down to prove Hisself God’s Masterpiece (that I talked about this morning)…When He was obedient to walk into the water… 100 Now, if you notice there, there’s a great lesson. John was the greatest man on earth, at the time. Jesus said, “There never was a man borned of a woman as great as he,” to that time. And he was a prophet. You believe that? Now, remember, if the Word of God will come to anything in the land, it’ll be a prophet. That’s always God’s way. Do you believe that Jesus was the Word manifested in flesh? So there’s only one way He can come to be introduced; not by the priests. 101 He didn’t go up and say, “Caiaphas, will you introduce Me?” If He did, He made the same mistake that David did in our lesson the other day; see, if He went up to the church, and said, “Will you introduce Me?” 102 Just notice when He was borned, even. When He was borned, He was borned in the shadow of the church. And they was probably rang the bells and everything, but it was shepherds that recognized Him, and Magi. See? 103 And here He is now, on…ready for His ministry. And if He is the Word… 104 According to God’s great plan, the Word can only…“The Lord God does nothing until He first reveals It to His servants the prophets.” That’s always His pattern, has to be; when the Seals were opened, when anything else. Any major event taking place in the earth, God reveals it to His prophets. 105 And John was the prophet, for he was prophesying “He’d come.” 106 Then down off the side of a hill one day…when a discussion was going on, a bunch of priests standing around. And they said, “Do you mean to tell me that you call yourself a ‘prophet,’ and stand over there in that mud?” (not in a church, because they wouldn’t have him) “Stand over that mud, and tell me that the hour’s coming when the great Jehovah Who ordained these sacrifices, when great Jehovah Who built this temple, Who came into it as a Pillar of Fire, ‘the day will come when that daily sacrifice will be taken away’?” 107 HE SAID, “THERE WILL COME A MAN, AND HE’S AMONG YOU NOW (SOMEWHERE OUT THERE), AND HE WILL TAKE AWAY THE SIN.” The priest was discussing it with him. 108 John looked up! Now, what is he? The prophet! And here is the Word, there comes the Word coming right straight to the prophet, right to the water. John said, “Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. There He is, that’s Him.” Jesus never spoke a word, walked right out into the water. And I can see there, standing in that water (think of a drama), TWO OF THE GREATEST THAT EVER STRUCK THE EARTH: GOD THE WORD, AND HIS PROPHET. 109 Notice, the Word come to the prophet in this dispensation of grace, in the water (uh-huh). I thought you’d catch it (uh-huh). In the water! THE FIRST REVELATION OF THE WORD WAS IN THE WATER. Now you see where the Bride started, the Evening-light Message? In the water! The Word, true Word not mixed up with creeds, BUT COME TO THE PROPHET IN THE WATER, BY THE WATER. 110 Notice! Could you imagine the eyes of the Word and the eyes of the prophet meeting in the water? Oh, that’s too much for me. THERE STOOD THE PROPHET, THERE STOOD THE WORD, looking in each others’ eyes. And the prophet said, “I have need to be baptized of Thee, why comest Thou unto me?” 111 And the Word said…It has to be true. Now let me give a drama here: 112 “JOHN, YOU’RE A PROPHET, YOU KNOW THE WORD.” SEE? “YOU RECOGNIZE ME, YOU KNOW WHO I AM.” 113 “I have need to be baptized of Thee,” John said. 114 Jesus said, “Suffer that to be so. That’s exactly right, you do have need to be baptized of Me. But remember, John, being a prophet, it is behooving to us, or becoming to us (as the Word and the prophet), that we fulfill every Word. Uh-huh. For, John,” (here’s the revelation now) “JOHN, YOU KNOW WHO I AM, I AM THE SACRIFICE. And ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD, THE SACRIFICE HAD TO BE WASHED BEFORE IT WAS PRESENTED FOR SACRIFICE.” Is that right? THE WORD…“THE LAMB WAS WASHED AND THEN PRESENTED FOR SACRIFICE, AND I AM THAT LAMB. AND I MUST BE WASHED BEFORE I CAN BE PRESENTED TO THE WORLD FOR A SACRIFICE. Suffer it to be so, John, for thus it is becoming to us as the Word and the prophet together.” 115 Well, there can’t be a mistake. Now, every one of these things… 116 Now, see, if it wasn’t that very setup, John would’ve been like any of the rest of us; so they say, “Yeah, I—I know who You are, Lord.” 117 “Well,” He said, “wait a minute, I’m the Word. Uh-huh. ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word.’ Eve left off one uh-huh, but you got to take every Word. And I am that Sacrifice, and I must be washed before I’m presented. But what you said, John, is true.” 118 John being a prophet, knowing the Word had to be fulfilled, he suffered that and baptized Him. AND WHEN HE WAS RAISED UP OUT OF THE WATER, THERE COME THE MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN ON THE WINGS OF A DOVE, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON.” HE SENT THE REDEMPTION MESSAGE OF GRACE ON THE WINGS OF A DOVE, COME FLYING DOWN OUT OF THE HEAVENS. “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” THE SACRIFICE WAS READY RIGHT THEN; BEEN RAISED, FED, HIS MINISTRY WAS READY, A WORD THAT WOULD REDEEM THE WHOLE WORLD, “IT’S OVER!”
51-0413 – The Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me
William Marrion Branham
35 NOW, NOTICE. NOW, MOSES SMOTE THE ROCK, SECOND TIME, REPRESENTING THAT CHRIST SHOULD COME TO THE EARTH AND DIE AGAIN. Now, he had power to bring forth the Water out of the Rock, whether it was God’s will or not. Did you know that? Everybody will admit that it wasn’t God’s will. But Moses done it anyhow. He had power. God entrusted him to be a prophet. And He give him those powers to do that. And He found out that His servant failed Him, and he glorified himself in the stead of God. And then what happened? God dealt with Moses then. Didn’t He? Not with the children, with Moses. The Holy Spirit is given to a man, and gifts are given to a man; but you have to watch what you’re doing with those Divine gifts.
65-1204 – The Rapture
William Marrion Branham
163 We can’t. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you’re not just; you’re forgiven. BUT, IN THE SIGHT OF GOD, THE BRIDE IS JUSTIFIED. SHE NEVER DONE IT, IN THE FIRST PLACE. Amen. STANDING THERE, MARRIED TO THE VIRTUOUS SON OF GOD; NEVER SINNED, IN THE FIRST PLACE. Why? SHE WAS FOREORDAINED. She was trapped into this. And now when SHE HEARD THE TRUTH AND COME FORTH, THE BLOOD CLEANSED HER. AND SHE STANDS THERE, VIRTUOUS. See? SHE, NO SIN ON HER, AT ALL. 164 Therefore, THE MESSAGE CALLS THE BRIDE TOGETHER, see, THE SHOUT. AND THE TRUMPET… THE SAME ONE, HE, WITH A LOUD VOICE, HE SCREAMED OUT WITH THAT SHOUT AND A VOICE, AND WOKE LAZARUS. WITH A LOUD VOICE HE CRIED, “LAZARUS, COME FORTH.” SEE? AND THE VOICE WAKES UP—WAKES UP THE SLEEPING BRIDE, THE SLEEPING DEAD. 165 And the trumpet, “with the sound of a trumpet.” And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets. See? Which, was a pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the Feast of the Trumpets. And, now, a trumpet do announce a calling together, “Come to the Feast.” And now that is the—the Lamb’s Supper in the sky. Now watch: The assembling together; and the Bride; the Feast of the Trumpets; the Wedding Supper. We have seen it in types. Now watch just a moment before we close. Notice. We seen it in types. 166 Now, if you want to read in Matthew 18:16, It said, “There is three that bear record,” see, in Saint…in First John 5:7, so forth. Three is always a witness. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] It’s a verification, something that’s right. Three witnesses bear. “In the mouth of two or three witness, let every word be established.” 167 Now notice. We’ve had three witnesses. Three is a witness. Now, we have already had three raptures in the Old Testament. Did you know that? As a witness. Now watch. Enoch was one; ELIJAH WAS THE OTHER ONE; AND JESUS WAS THE OTHER ONE. JESUS, BEING THE KEYSTONE, NOW, HE BARE RECORD. SEE? HE WAS THE KEYSTONE BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, ’CAUSE HE HAD TO FIRST DIE AND THEN RAPTURE. HE DIED; COME TO LIFE AND WALKED AROUND HERE WITH US; and then was raptured up. Because, He was the Keystone that tied the two together. After His resurrection and rapture…Look. After He did that, and proved that, the Old Testament there. We all know Enoch was translated. We know Elijah was taken up by a whirlwind, that right, in a chariot of Fire. And Jesus died, buried, rose up and lived here on earth, and then was raptured up, the Keystone. There is three, to bear record. Is that right?
65-1126 – Works Is Faith Expressed
William Marrion Branham
26 Now, this is only a dream. And I walked over this way and I seen a—a brother, Roy Borders, a very good friend of mine, lives in California. Looked like there’s something wrong, his eyes was half closed, and great big…maybe cancer or something over his eyes. And I…someone was trying to pull me away from him. I screamed, “Brother Borders! In the Name of the Lord Jesus, snap out of that!” 27 And he just barely could speak, saying, “Brother Branham, it’ll have to take something more than this. I just can’t grasp it, Brother Branham. I just can’t grasp it.” 28 I said, “O Brother Borders.” I love him. 29 And someone pulled me away, and I looked, and it was a lady standing over here that I, when I was a little boy, I—I used to haul groceries from the grocery store to the peoples. And her name was Mrs. Fenton, she lives in Jeffersonville yet, a personal friend to the wife and I. 30 And she said, “Brother Branham, deliver us from this.” Said, “This is a house of hell.” And said, “You’ve been misunderstood.” And said, “These…And you—you misunderstood these people, too.” Said, “These are fine people, but…” And I looked over there, and like a great big cellar, or—or big walls, down beneath a great big cave; and great iron bars, eight or ten inches thick. And people, out of their mind, twisted arms and legs, beating their head like that. And she was crying, saying, “Deliver the people, Brother Branham.” Said—said, “Help us, we’re in trouble.” She herself, I know her, she belongs to the…I believe the church of Christ, or the Christian church, called Church of the Brethren. So she… 31 I LOOKED AROUND, AND I SAID, “I WISHED I COULD.” And go on, looking around; and I…my little, bitty body and—and them great, big iron bars; and those poor people in there. And you couldn’t get to them, them iron bars was setting close together. And I looked, and they were beating their head like they were out of their mind. 32 And I seen some lights flickering around in there. AND I LOOKED UP, AND THERE STOOD THE LORD JESUS WITH A—A—A LIGHTS OF RAINBOW AROUND HIM. He was looking right straight to me, said, “Deliver those people.” And He went away. 33 And I thought, “Well, how could I deliver them? I—I haven’t got strength enough in my arms to break those bars.” 34 So I said, “House of hell, give away to the Name of Jesus Christ.” 35 And all the creaking and popping, and—and rocks rolling, and—and bars falling; and people running, screaming, “Delivered!” and screaming at the top of their voice, and was all delivered. 36 And I was screaming then, “Brother Roy Borders, where are you? Where are you? GOD IS DELIVERING HIS PEOPLE! Where are you, Brother Borders?” I’ve wondered about that. 37 You know, Brother Borders is very scared. You know the prophecy, all…many of you do, you take the tapes and so forth, about the West Coast.
64-0618 – The Presence Of God Unrecognized
William Marrion Branham
11 It comes in and goes out, and people does not recognize it until it’s passed, and, they, because that it never fits their theology, it never fits the time of the day. See, what it is, THEY’RE ALWAYS LIVING IN A GLARE OF ANOTHER AGE, ALWAYS. 12 THE REASON THEY DIDN’T ACCEPT JESUS, BECAUSE THEY WERE LIVING IN THE GLARE OF THE LAW. AND WHEN JESUS CAME, WAS NOT CONTRARY TO THE LAW, BUT COME TO FULFILL THE LAW, WELL, THEY COULDN’T ACCEPT HIM BECAUSE HIS MESSAGE wasn’t exactly the way they had it all creeded out, and it was called then traditions. And He didn’t come according to their traditions. He didn’t keep their traditions. And really He upset it, and tore it up, and—and done things that was contrary to it, insomuch that they thought He was breaking up the churches. And they couldn’t receive Him because of His Message. And we all know today that He come exactly in the line of God’s prophecy, but they didn’t know it then. 13 AND IT COULD HAPPEN AGAIN, AND WE WOULDN’T KNOW IT. I imagine if He would actually appear tonight, it would be so contrary to what we’ve got all figured up on our charts, and in our schools and things. IT WOULD BE A VERY FEW WOULD RECOGNIZE WHAT WAS GOING ON. HE SAID IT WOULD BE THAT, HOW HE COME. 14 NOW, JESUS BEING THERE SO SCRIPTURALLY IDENTIFIED BY THE SCRIPTURES, and the Scribes and Pharisees of that day could not recognize Him. Why didn’t they, why didn’t they do it? Because they had it figured out some other way. That’s where Jesus told them, “Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have Eternal Life, and they are they that testify of Me.” See? Now He come exactly with the Scriptures. But they had it figured out maybe that if He would come, the Messiah would probably do what Moses did, or what Noah did, build them an ark or something, else. But, reason He come the way He did, they hadn’t figured out; in the Scriptures with their traditions, did not teach them; so the people were so confused they didn’t know what was going on. 15 Wonder if that could happen today? I wonder if it could be different than what our traditions has taught us? And it could come, and something would pass through and we’d never even know until it’s already passed, and then it’s over. That’s just about the way it’ll come. 16 Do you know, when John the Baptist came on the scene, that had been predicted all the way from the Book of Isaiah, hundreds of years? About eight hundred years, Isaiah prophesied, I think, before the coming of Christ. Did you know John came exactly the way Isaiah said he would come, he come exactly the way Malachi said he would come, and even the apostles didn’t recognize it? One day, in Matthew 11, John was in prison; and the apostles, some of his disciples went over to ask Jesus was He the One, or—or should they look for another. 17 Now notice, Jesus did not give them a book of how to behave himself, how to behave himself in jail, or how to conduct his character. He said, “Stay around and watch what happens, and go show John the things that you seen happen.” That was the evidence that the…He was that Word. 18 And now remember, the Word always comes to a prophet. We all know that. God does nothing without showing it to His prophets. That’s the reason the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the full fullness of Christ right here before us, the Book. Now He’ll have to send one, someone to confirm that Book, reveal It, open the Seals, and so forth. But as far as any farther revelation of Christ, it’s already recognized right Here. He is the fullness of This, of the Revelation. Now notice, never does it fail, but the Word comes to the prophet. 19 Look at JOHN standing in the water, PREDICTING, THE PROPHET, THAT THE MESSIAH WAS RIGHT THEN AMONG THEM. HE SAID, “THERE IS ONE STANDING AMONG YOU NOW, THAT YOU DON’T KNOW; HE WILL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE.” Now remember, He was standing right among them, the Bible said so, and they didn’t recognize It. One day when Jesus came walking down, John recognized Him, and he said, “BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKES AWAY THE SIN of the world.” Now watch, before He was recognized by anybody, HE CAME TO THE PROPHET. HE WAS THE WORD. JOHN WAS A PROPHET.
64-0416 – And When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him
William Marrion Branham
150 One day when we was alone, and the Angel of the Lord was present, He revealed it to me. 151 See, now, look. Jesus was the Word; John was the prophet. There is two of the greatest on earth; God and His prophet. And the Word was God And it’s always becoming, to the Word, to come to the prophet. And John was the prophet. And here comes the Word walking right out in the water, to the prophet. The Word come to the prophet, in the water. Amen. I feel religious. The Word absolutely comes to the prophet. And here He was, the Word in living form; and here was the prophet; standing in the water. And the Word come to the prophet. I can see their eyes as they meet one another. 152 John looked up, he saw the heavens open, that dove coming down like a fiery wings coming upon It. A Voice coming from It, saying, “This is My beloved Son in Whom I’m pleased to dwell.” 153 When John looked, he saw that Light over Him, whatever it was. First, when he walked to the bank, he said, “BEHOLD THE LAMB of God that takes away the sin of the world.” 154 He was so perfectly concerned, real belief, he said, “There is One standing among you, Whose shoes I’m not worthy to bear. He’ll baptize with the Holy Ghost and Fire.” He knowed He had to come in his days, because He was the forerunner of Him. He said, “There’s One among you now, Who you don’t know. But I’ll know Him, one of these days, when I see that sign identify Him.” Then Jesus walked out, one day. 155 He said, “There’s the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” 156 Jesus walked, the Word, right out to the prophet, in the water. John looked up at Him, in humility. He said, “I have need to be baptized of Thee. Why comest Thou unto me?” 157 Watch this now, the Word and the prophet, together. See, the prophet will have to know the Word, because the Word is manifested to the prophet. Now here was his prophesy fulfilled, he would “introduce the Messiah.” AND HERE IS THE PROPHET AND THE WORD, TOGETHER. 158 And he said, “I have need to be baptized of Thee. And why comest Thou to me?” 159 Jesus looked him right in the face, and said, “Suffer that to be so, for thus it is becoming to us, behooving, becoming to us, to fulfill all righteousness.” And when he baptized Him, look, what was it? Jesus said, “As a prophet, you know that I am the Sacrifice, and the Sacrifice has to be washed before It’s presented.” Amen. Amen. So, the Word come to the prophet, always. Correctly. And He suffered him. Said, “That’s exactly right.” 160 “It’s becoming to us that we fulfill all righteousness. I am the Sacrifice. I must be washed. It’s right. You have need to be baptized. Amen. But suffer that to be so, for thus it’s becoming to you and I, that we fulfill all righteousness.” Hallelujah!
65-0117 – A Paradox
William Marrion Branham
57 Joshua here is a Book, actually, it’s a Book of redemption, of the Old Testament. Joshua, we would have to consider it to be that, the Book of redemption. BECAUSE, IT’S, REDEMPTION HAS TWO PARTS. REDEMPTION, ANYWHERE, HAS TWO PARTS. That is, it’s “out of” and “into.” It takes two parts to make redemption, “out of,” “into.” 58 Moses represented the law which brought them out of Egypt, and, whereas, Joshua represented grace that took them into the promised land. Another way, was, the—THE LAW AND GRACE WERE TWO DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF GOD’S COMMAND. Now, the law brought them out, Moses, and Joshua took them in. 59 IT ALSO REPRESENTS SOMETHING FOR OUR DAY. Now it represents, as they were in the journey, coming from—from Egypt into a promised land, so have we come out of a world of Egypt, chaos, on our road to a promised Land. “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it wasn’t so, I would have told you,” John 14. Coming “out of,” going “into.” 60 IT’S LAW THAT BRINGS US TO RECOGNIZE WE’RE WRONG, BUT IT’S GRACE THAT FORGIVES US. THE LAW HAS NO HOPE OF—OF REDEMPTION, because that…and to complete it. IT HAS NO GRACE IN IT, BECAUSE LAW ONLY POINTS THAT YOU ARE A SINNER, BUT GRACE TELLS YOU HOW TO GET OUT OF IT. Law is the policeman that put you in jail, BUT REDEMPTION IS THE ONE WHO COME PAID YOUR FINE; AND “OUT OF,” AND “INTO,” INTO GRACE. 61 The Ephesus. Now we find the same thing, the Old Testament, I think this Book of Joshua fits. A fitting word for it, would be, the Book of Ephesus of the Old Testament. The Book of Ephesians of the Old Testament, would be a good thing to title this Book of Joshua, because it’s certainly fitting to this. 62 Now we find Joshua representing grace, or some propitiation, that it could not exist in the same time that law was in existence. 63 Neither does any message, that forwards the people on, ever coincide with a past message. It will not do it. That’s where you have trouble today. Jesus said, “Does any person take a—a new piece of garment and put it into an old? Or put the new wine into old bottles? They perish. It bursts them open.” They can’t stand it. 64 AND JOSHUA COULD NOT AT ALL BECOME INTO HIS MINISTRY UNTIL AFTER MOSES WAS GONE. So you see the very first verse here, “Moses My servant is dead; now arise and take this people to the promised land.” Moses, representing the law, had served its time. It’s, the law had served its time. 65 They started out, really, with grace, to begin with. Before they had law, they had grace. While they were in Egypt, without law; no one down there, was just the priests, and so forth, but they didn’t have any laws. The law had not yet been given. Grace provided them a prophet. And, also, GRACE PROVIDED AN ATONEMENT, THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB. We’re getting into that this week, on the sacrifice, the blood, because there lays your healing. So on…The atonement had been provided before there was any law. Grace was before law, during law, and after law. 66 So there was Joshua, representing grace, was right along with law, but could not be enforced as long as law was in its proper place. 67 And so has the church world in this last day! It’s come along, it’s played its part, BUT THERE IS COMING A TIME WHERE IT MUST CEASE. IT MUST DO IT. There has got to be an Ephesians, also, of this journey, just as there was of other journeys. There has to come an Ephesians, an Ephesus, an Ephesian of this journey. Watch. 68 WHEREIN THAT LAW COULD NEVER SAVE A SINNER, as I have pointed out. It could not. THEREFORE, THE PROMISED LAND REPRESENTED A DAY OF GRACE. SEE, HE COULD NOT TAKE THEM IN, INTO THAT JOURNEY.
60-1127M – It Wasn’t So From The Beginning
William Marrion Branham
And open the eyes of the people. Don’t let them live like they did in the days of—of the apostles, in the days of the prophets. NO PROPHET WAS HARDLY KNOWN BY ANYONE TILL AFTER HIS DEATH. JESUS WASN’T KNOWN. Many of the saints beyond that was never known. The message goes by and they miss it. This Church will be raptured one of these days and taken away, and then they’ll scream, “Give me of the oil.” But there’s no more to buy then. May they not miss it this morning, Lord, but in humility, may they seek Thee with all their heart
64-0313 – The Voice Of The Sign
William Marrion Branham
71 What this is for is to get the elected people that’s coming out, like in the days of Noah. Like in the days of—of Elijah, the seven thousand or seven hundred, or whatever it was, that hadn’t bowed their knee, to call them out. JOHN CALLING OUT THE ELECTED, AND GIVE IT OVER TO CHRIST WHEN HE COME, SWAPPED HIS CHURCH, SAID, “I MUST DECREASE, HE MUST INCREASE, BECAUSE,” HE SAID, “I’M JUST A VOICE OF HIM, CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE LORD.’” And Jesus come the same way. GETS THE ELECTED READY TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD, that’s what the prophetic sign is. Oh, if you follow these Messages, get the per-…get the elected ready. Not the others, will never hear it. It’s the elected that’s called.
63-0317M – God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same
William Marrion Branham
63-1229E – Look Away To Jesus
William Marrion Branham
49 It’s tightening. And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you’re pressed out, then watch what I’m fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it’ll be absolutely to the total lost, but it—it will be for the Bride and the Church. 50 Now we are closer than it seems to be. I don’t know when, but it’s real, real close. I MAY BE BUILDING A PLATFORM FOR SOMEBODY ELSE TO STEP ON. I may be taken before that time. I don’t know. And that time may be this coming week, that the Holy Spirit will come with…and bring Christ Jesus. He may come this next week. He may come yet tonight. I don’t know when He will come. He doesn’t tell us that. 51 But I do believe, that we are so close, that I would never die with old age. Yet, at fifty-four years old, I’ll never die with old age, until He’s here. See? Unless I’m shot, killed, or something other, some way killed, just old age wouldn’t kill me, until He’s come. And I believe that. 52 And I want to say this. I’ve never said it before. But according to Scripture, according to what He said thirty years ago; thirty-three years ago on the river down there, in 1933, rather; what He said, everything has happened just exactly. I MAY NOT DO IT, BUT THIS MESSAGE WILL INTRODUCE JESUS CHRIST TO THE WORLD. FOR, “AS JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS SENT TO FORERUN THE FIRST COMING, SO IS THE MESSAGE TO FORERUN THE SECOND COMING.” AND JOHN SAID, “BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.” SEE? SO, IT’S, IT PARALLELED IT IN EVERY WAY. AND I KNOW IT WILL, THE MESSAGE WILL GO ON.
64-0816 – Proving His Word
William Marrion Branham
235 Now, we say He’s raised from the dead. I didn’t say it, the Word here said it. They said, “He raised from the dead.” He says He’s the same yesterday, and forever. You believe that? HE PROMISED THESE THINGS TO HAPPEN IN THE LAST DAY, THAT THE SAME SON OF MAN WILL BE MADE MANIFEST. 236 Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah’s mind behind Him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a Man in human flesh, that Abraham called “Elohim, the great Almighty.” Showing…And Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Sodom,” now watch close, “in the days of Sodom, SO WILL IT BE AT THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN, WHEN THE SON OF MAN IS BEING REVEALED.” Not no more as a church, see, not no more; the Bride is called, see. “IN THAT DAY THE SON OF MAN WILL BE REVEALED.” What? To join the Church to the Head, unite, the marriage of the Bride. The Bridegroom call will come right through this, when THE SON OF MAN WILL COME DOWN AND COME IN HUMAN FLESH TO UNITE THE TWO TOGETHER. The Church has to be the Word, He is the Word, and the two unites together, and, to do that, IT’LL TAKE THE MANIFESTATION OF THE REVEALING OF THE SON OF MAN. Not a clergyman. I—I don’t know, I…Do you see what I mean? See, IT’S SON OF MAN, JESUS CHRIST, WILL COME DOWN IN HUMAN FLESH AMONG US, AND WILL MAKE HIS WORD SO REAL THAT IT’LL UNITE THE CHURCH AND HIM AS ONE, THE BRIDE, and then She’ll go Home to the Wedding Supper. Amen. She’s already united, see, we go to the Wedding Supper, not to the marriage. “…fill your flesh…self, of all the flesh of mighty men, ’cause THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB HAS COME.” But, the Rapture, is going to the Wedding Supper. WHEN, THE WORD HERE UNITES WITH THE PERSON, AND THEY TWO BECOME ONE. And then what does it do then? IT MANIFESTS THE SON OF MAN AGAIN, not the church theologians. THE SON OF MAN! THE WORD AND THE CHURCH BECOMES ONE. WHATEVER THE SON OF MAN DONE, HE WAS THE WORD, THE CHURCH DOES THE SAME THING. 237 How did He prove Himself through the ages? Through the prophets, which could speak the Word, know their thoughts. That’s how He was known, that. Promised at the church age, come through with “not even night or day,” BUT IN THE EVENING TIME WHEN THE SON OF MAN WOULD BE REVEALED. IT WOULD COME AGAIN. “IT SHALL BE LIGHT AT THE EVENING TIME.” SEE? WHAT DOES HE DO? PROVE HIS WORD. 238 Now look back, did He come as a virgin, did He come as they said, through the virgin, rather? Did He come just exactly the way He said? Watch today, He proved His Word regardless of how many athiests, infidels, indifference, He still come right on, proved His Word. Here we are, come through this age of all churches and things, got away like they did from Malachi up to the coming of Christ. All the prophets and things had ceased, and they had got into dignitaries and so forth, but, just exactly, look what kind of a character He sent. Just exactly the Elijah, a hater of immoral women, and put on a lot of paint, powders and makeups and all that stuff there. And clergymen, he slayed them right and left. Coming out of the wilderness, pulled no strings with none of them, and said, “THE MESSIAH’S ON THE ROAD. I’LL KNOW HIM WHEN HE COME, I’LL INTRODUCE HIM. Amen. Don’t you begin to think you belong to this or that.” Just the same as Elijah did! 239 “And in the last days, it shall come to pass, before the great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, that I will send to you before that great and terrible day of the Lord shall come, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers.” And watch, the Faith of the fathers to the children, the Jews. See? Their promise of the Scripture, the Gentiles and where they had fell from. Look at that dual just as perfectly, exactly. And here we see it, God proving His Word.
63-1229M – There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light
William Marrion Branham
206 He said, also, “The axe is laid to the root of the tree. And every tree that don’t believe, is hewed down and cast into the fire.” So that was his message. He was the Light of the day. 207 Jesus said, “He was a bright and shining Light, and you for a little while desired to walk into it.”208 And what did John say, the prophet? “He is standing among you right now. I’m not worthy to loose His shoes. AND AS SOON AS HE COMES ON THE SCENE, I’M GOING OFF.” Oh, my! For, He was the Light.
63-0127 – An Absolute
William Marrion Branham
276 And John knew he had to be absolutely sure, so he never went to his father’s school. There nothing said he went back to learn to be a priest. But he went to the wilderness, and was in the wilderness until his calling forth. 277 Then he come around, and the crowds was standing there. He was so sure that the Messiah was in his day, because he was the one that was ordained to introduce this Messiah, because Malachi 3 said so. “I’ll send My messenger before My face. And he’ll prepare the way.” 278 John knew where he was standing. No matter how many priests would say, “You mean to tell the time, we got up here, the daily sacrifice would be done away?” 279 He said, “There’ll come a time when the Lamb of God will come, that’ll take away the sacrifice.” Standing in mud, with whiskers over his face, that you’d run him away from your house today. There was…See? 280 God is not in class and glamour, as we try to put Him in, and we Pentecostal people. God is in humility. 281 There he was, standing. Watch him. AND HE WAS INTRODUCING. HE, HE SAID…HE WAS SO SURE THAT HE WAS THERE, HE SAID, “THERE IS ONE STANDING AMONG YOU, WHO YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW.” OH, MY! WHAT A REBUKE! “THERE IS ONE AMONG YOU, RIGHT NOW, WHO YOU DON’T KNOW.”
59-1227M – A Super Sign
William Marrion Branham
The evening Lights, the signs of the Messiah accompanying It, accompanying the Message. The evening Lights are here. 107 It’s evil spoke of. They’ll turn you down, your brethren. Who turned Him down? His brethren. THEY LOVED TO SEE HIM PERFORM THE MIRACLES. But when it come to Calvary, where were they all at? WHEN IT COMES TO THAT CRUCIAL MOMENT, WHERE GOD IN HIS TRUTH AND HIS BIBLE IS TO BE MADE MANIFEST, WHERE ARE THEY? THEY BACK AWAY.
59-1004M – Who Is This?
William Marrion Branham
122 NOW, WHEN WE SEE THIS COMING TO PASS, EXACTLY LIKE GOD SAID, WE’RE WAITING NOW. WHAT IS IT? THE HOLY SPIRIT IS INTRODUCING CHRIST. Some glorious day, not across a hillside, riding on a mule, but coming out of Glory, will come the Son of God, wrapped in the righteousness of God’s Spirit, riding on a white horse, with His vesture dipped in Blood, called “King of king, and Lord of lords.” The Word of God He will be.
63-0412E – God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
William Marrion Branham
269 God revealing Himself in humility. He picks up them kind that’s has no education. He picks up them kinds will just believe that. “I thank Thee, Father, Creator of heavens and earth, Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent.” 270 [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] “…smitten and stricken. And yet we did esteem Him smitten and stricken, sure, of God. But He was wounded for our transgressions.” The Clorox came. “He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes we were healed.” 271 What did He do? Humble Himself to death, on good Friday afternoon, that He might rise on Easter Sunday, amen, to send back the Holy Spirit upon the Church, with a double portion of It, that we might do the same things that He do, that He did. He promised, “These signs will follow them that believe.” And how far we get away from Him, by our traditions! There you are. 272 God hiding Himself in humility, revealing Himself in power, that’s the way God does it. That’s God’s program of doing it, yes, sir, that He may bring sons across this chasm. 273 In closing, I might say this. God hiding in death, to come again in resurrection. I want to tell you a little story that I read not long ago, in closing. They said… 274 In time of the First World War, I had my father’s older brothers there. My cousins was in that war. Many of them got killed. 275 But in one place, then, they had a—a whole regiment of soldiers, American soldiers, pinned down. The German army had them pinned down. And the machine gun fire, and the big cannons, and whatever they had, mortar fire, whatever it was, had them pinned down. They couldn’t get out, and there’s no way of getting out. 276 There’s a whole regiment of soldiers perishing right there, because they was on every side. They had planes. Daresn’t send one up; shoot it down. A man try to get out; well, they, just every side. There wasn’t nothing. Their fine guns had failed. All their military strategy had failed. They were penned in by the enemy. There was no way of getting out. There wasn’t nothing. 277 Then, finally, one little soldier come up. He found a pigeon, one of those homer pigeons. That was their only hope. They wrote a message, and thought, “If this pigeon can only get through, and back to the main headquarters where it come from, can take this message.” A message pigeon, messenger pigeon, and that was the only thing they had: a simple, little pigeon. All their military things had failed. But they got a simple, little pigeon. They wrote the message and tied it to his little leg, and turned him loose, with a blessing and a prayer, that he would make it. 278 Of course, the Germans seen that white pigeon going up. They fired on it, and everything else. One bullet went through its wing, knocked the feathers out. Another one stripped around its neck, cut its craw off. Another one struck its leg that had the message on it. But the poor little pigeon kept flying, trying to get the message in. He must. There was life at stake. Finally, with his struggles, and flopping in the air, and turning, and fly, and fell. And he fell in the barracks, or the camp where the soldiers was. 279 One soldier picked him up, looked at him. This little fellow said, “He’s been shot.” He opened, looked at his little leg, on his little bruised leg, and there was a—a note. They read the note. It was covered with blood. Though it was covered with blood, the message got through. It got through. They sent reinforcements, quickly, and saved the whole regiment of soldiers. The little pigeon hadn’t got through, all them men would have perished. What a disaster that would been! It would been a horrible thing. And that was a great thing for that little pigeon to do, though it cost his blood. His blood was on the message. 280 That was a great thing, but not half as great, till one day when sin had sons of God pinned down. There was no hopes. There was nothing that they could do. All hopes was gone. But there came, not a pigeon, but a Dove. Nineteen hundred years ago, this afternoon, in simplicity, had been born in a manger, dying on a cross, but He reached Heaven with the Blood of His Own Self on the Message. And He deliverated the sons of God, that now we can be again sons of God and daughters of God, to live in holiness and purity, to live in His Presence. I’m so thankful for that Dove that came down from Glory, that took the Message, that, I was in need, and He flew back to Heaven with It. AND IT WAS BLOODY, ALL OVER, WHERE THE SINS OF THE WORLD HAD DONE. But, today, I’m liberated. I’m free. I’m so glad. 281 And, yet, the simple can understand It. I’m glad I’m simple enough to understand It. Aren’t you glad for that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Aren’t you thankful? [“Amen.”] God hiding Himself in simplicity. 282 “He become esteemed and reproached. We esteemed Him reproached and afflicted. We hid, as it was, our face from Him.” He wasn’t the great soldier that they thought He would be. He wasn’t a gallant military man that they looked for. “But they hid their face from Him.” They was ashamed. “But, yet, He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity.” What was it? God hiding Himself in simplicity. Jehovah becoming Man, that He might die for men; to take the Message back, with His Own Blood, God’s requirement, that the price was paid, and we are redeemed. 283 And today, as humble as it may be, you don’t have to be smart, you don’t have to have an education. Just believe that Message, God’s Word. And you too can be saved and be a son of God, to stand in the Presence of God, and do the works of God.
62-1230E – Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?
William Marrion Branham
306 IT’S ON THE BACKSIDE, WHEN A BOOK IS COMPLETED. NOT DID HE SAY, “ON THE FRONT SIDE.” HE SAID, “ON THE BACKSIDE,” AFTER IT’S ALL DONE, COMPLETED. THEN, THESE SEVEN THUNDERS’ VOICES IS THE ONLY THING, THAT’S STUCK TO THE BOOK, THAT’S NOT REVEALED. It’s not even written in the Book. 307 Oh, my! I wish I could get that, that the people could actually…Don’t fail. Don’t, don’t fail. Please don’t, this time. I’m fixing to leave you. Don’t fail. You ever listened, listen! 308 These Seals are on the backside of the Book. “AND AT THE TIME THAT THE SEVENTH ANGEL IS SOUNDING, ALL THE MYSTERIES THAT ARE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK IS COMPLETED.” AND IMMEDIATELY THE BOOK, THAT WAS OPEN AND WRITTEN WITHIN, IS CLOSED, “THE MYSTERIES OF GOD IS FINISHED.” And this is the mysteries of God: the going of the Church, and all these other things. “The mysteries is over.” When that seventh angel sounds out every mystery, it’s over. Let him be who he may, whatever it might be. God’s Word can’t fail. And He said: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets. 309 All those things, like, oh, Rome being the—the whore, and all the Protestant churches, denominations denominating after her, has become her harlots. See? All those mysteries, that the prophets spoke of, will be revealed right here in this last hour. 310 And when this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true Trumpet, because It’ll be contrary, they won’t believe It. THEY SURE WON’T BELIEVE IT. BUT, IT’LL BE AN INSPIRED PROPHET, BECAUSE THERE’S NO WAY TO FIGURE IT OUT. 311 Men try to figure out the trinity, and go gray-headed and go crazy. No one can understand it. They still believe Eve eat an apple, and all those things. Because, it’s tradition that men has held onto, just like Jesus found the church. 312 BUT IT’LL HAVE TO BE A DIVINE-LED PROPHET, FOR THE WORD OF GOD TO COME TO HIM, WITH THE TRUE INTERPRETATION OF THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. SO, THEN, IT—IT’S GOT TO BE THAT WAY. GOD HELP US! 313 NOW, “WHEN HE IS SOUNDING FORTH,” NOW, THAT’S THUS SAITH THE LORD. WE HAVE THAT CLEAR. WHEN HE SOUNDS FORTH HIS MESSAGE, DECLARES WAR; like Paul did on the Orthodox, like the rest of them did, like Luther, Wesley, against the organization. When he declares war, and tells them, “They are lying, and it’s not the Truth! And they’re deceiving men!” When he sounds forth That, you can’t fail. It won’t fail, because he’ll be vindicated by the Word of God. You’ll know exactly what It is. And when he does, he sounds forth, to call from Babylon, “Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins.” God, send him! Don’t miss it. 314 Now, “When he begins to sound, the mystery will be finished.” Now, note, then it’s time for the Seven Seal voices, of Revelation 10, to be revealed. Do you understand? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] When all the mysteries of the Book has completed! And the Bible said, here, that he would finish the mysteries.
An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages – 9 – The Laodicean Church Age
William Marrion Branham
Though he will not be popular, he will be vindicated by God. As Jesus authenticated John, and the Holy Ghost authenticated Jesus, we can well expect this man will be first of all authenticated by the Spirit working in his life in acts of power that are indisputable and found nowhere else; and Jesus Himself, in returning, will authenticate him, even as He authenticated John. John witnessed that Jesus was coming, — and so will this man, like John, witness that Jesus is coming. AND THE VERY RETURN OF CHRIST WILL PROVE THAT THIS MAN INDEED WAS THE FORERUNNER OF HIS SECOND COMING. This is the final evidence that this indeed is the prophet of Malachi 4, for the end of the Gentile period will be Jesus, Himself, appearing. Then it will be too late for those who have rejected him. In order to further clarify our presentation of this last-day prophet, let us particularly note that the prophet of Matthew 11:12, was John the Baptist, who was the one foretold in Malachi 3:1, “Behold, I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me; and the Lord, Whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant, Whom ye delight in: behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.” Matthew 11:1-12, “And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding His twelve disciples, He departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities. Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and said unto Him, Art thou He That should come, or do we look for another? Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. AND BLESSED IS HE, WHOSOEVER SHALL NOT BE OFFENDED IN ME. And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings’ houses. But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way before Thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” This has already taken place. This has happened. It is over. But note now in Malachi 4:1-6, “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts. Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” See, immediately after the coming of THIS Elijah, the earth will be cleansed by fire and the wicked burned to ashes. Of course, this did NOT happen at the time of John (the Elijah for his day). The Spirit of God that prophesied the coming of the messenger in Malachi 3:1 (John) was but reiterating His previous prophetic statement of Isaiah 40:3 made at least three centuries previously. “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Now John, by the Holy Ghost, voiced both Isaiah and Malachi in Matthew 3:3, “For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.” So we can well see from these Scriptures that the prophet in Malachi 3, who was John, was NOT the prophet of Malachi 4, though indeed, both John and this last-day prophet have upon them the same Spirit Which was upon Elijah. Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely revealed “mystery-truths” that literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers. Exactly so. But consider this also. This prophet-messenger will be in his nature and manners as were Elijah and John. The people of this prophet-messenger’s day will be as they were in Ahab’s day, and in John’s. And since it is “ONLY THE CHILDREN” whose hearts will be turned, it is only the children who will listen. In the days of Ahab only 7,000 true-seed Israelites were found. In the days of John there were also very few. The masses in both ages were in the fornication of idolatry. I want to make one more comparison between the Laodicean prophet-messenger and John, the prophet-messenger who preceded Jesus’ first coming. The people in John’s day mistook him for the Messiah. John 1:19-20, “And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou? And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ.” Now this last-day prophet-messenger will have such power before the Lord that there will be those who mistake him for the Lord Jesus. (There will be a spirit in the world at the end time that will seduce some and make them believe this. Matthew 24:24-26, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”) But don’t you believe it. He is not Jesus Christ. He is not the Son of God. HE IS ONE OF THE BRETHREN, A PROPHET, A MESSENGER, A SERVANT OF GOD. He needs no greater honor bestowed upon him than that which John received when he was the voice that cried, “I am not He, BUT HE IS COMING AFTER ME.”
65-1204 – The Rapture
William Marrion Branham
156 You’re not blind people. You’re—you’re sensible people. And if I stood here and said those things for prejudice? I say It because It’s Life, because I’m responsible to God for saying It. And I must say It. And my Message…All the time knowing, back there under healing and so forth like that was just to catch the people’s attention, KNOWING THE MESSAGE WOULD COME. And here It is. And them Seven Seals opened, those mysteries, and showing those things is what’s happened. I didn’t know it. 157 But there is men standing right here now, was standing right with me. When, you all heard me preach that sermon: Sirs, What Time Is It? That morning, exactly where It said It would be, there stood seven Angels standing right there, from the Heaven. And as They went up, and the whirlwind taking Them up there, we standing, watching as They went away, science took the picture of It, all the way across the nations, down into Mexico. 158 And there, when I was watching, one day, when I started preach these Seven Church Ages, and I called Jack Moore, a great theologian, I SAID, “JACK, WHO IS THIS PERSON STANDING THERE? ‘THERE IS ONE LIKE THE SON OF MAN STANDING THERE, HAIR AS WHITE AS WOOL.’” I SAID, “HE WAS A YOUNG MAN, HOW COULD HE HAVE HAIR AS WHITE AS WOOL?” 159 He said, “Brother Branham, that was His glorified body.” That didn’t ring the bell. But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was. See? 160 I’VE ALWAYS PREACHED THAT HE WAS DEITY, NOT JUST A MAN. HE WAS GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH: GOD, THE ATTRIBUTE OF GOD, OF LOVE; THE GREAT ATTRIBUTES THAT COME DOWN, DISPLAYED HERE ON EARTH, OF GOD. JESUS WAS GOD’S LOVE, WHICH BUILT A BODY THAT JEHOVAH HIMSELF LIVED IN. HE WAS THE FULNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY. WHAT GOD WAS, HE MANIFESTED THROUGH THAT BODY. THAT BODY HAD TO DIE, SO HE COULD WASH THE BRIDE WITH HIS—WITH HIS—WITH HIS BLOOD. 161 And notice, not only is the Bride washed, forgiven, but She is justified. See? Did you ever try the word justified, to see what it means? Now, for instance, if Brother Green heard that I had been drinking, I been doing bad things, then he found out that I didn’t do it, then he come, say, “I forgive you, Brother Branham.” 162 “You forgive me? I never done it. What you forgiving me about?” See? But if I’m guilty, then I can be forgiven; but I’m still not just, because I did it. BUT THE WORD JUSTIFIED IS “THOUGH YOU NEVER DONE IT, AT ALL.” JUSTIFIED! AND THEN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST CLEANSES US SO FROM SIN, TILL IT’S PUT IN THE BOOK OF GOD’S FORGETFULNESS. HE’S THE ONLY ONE CAN DO IT. 163 We can’t. We can forgive but not forget. I could forgive you, but I always remember you done these evil things. Then, you’re not just; you’re forgiven. BUT, IN THE SIGHT OF GOD, THE BRIDE IS JUSTIFIED. SHE NEVER DONE IT, IN THE FIRST PLACE. AMEN. STANDING THERE, MARRIED TO THE VIRTUOUS SON OF GOD; NEVER SINNED, IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHY? SHE WAS FOREORDAINED. SHE WAS TRAPPED INTO THIS. AND NOW WHEN SHE HEARD THE TRUTH AND COME FORTH, THE BLOOD CLEANSED HER. AND SHE STANDS THERE, VIRTUOUS. SEE? SHE, NO SIN ON HER, AT ALL. 164 Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together, see, THE SHOUT. And the trumpet… The same One, He, with a loud voice, HE SCREAMED OUT WITH THAT SHOUT AND A VOICE, and woke Lazarus. With a loud voice He cried, “Lazarus, come forth.” See? And the voice wakes up—wakes up the sleeping Bride, the sleeping dead. 165 And the trumpet, “with the sound of a trumpet.” And, when it does, it calls. Always, a trumpet called Israel to the Feast of the Trumpets. See? Which, was a pentecostal Feast, the great Feast in the sky; and the Feast of the Trumpets. And, now, a trumpet do announce a calling together, “Come to the Feast.” And now that is the—the Lamb’s Supper in the sky. Now watch: The assembling together; and the Bride; the Feast of the Trumpets; the Wedding Supper.
60-0229 – The Oncoming Storm
William Marrion Branham
56 And, all of a sudden, the clouds was upon him before they knew it! That’s the way judgment strikes. It comes so sudden, you wonder how it can get there so quick. How I have seen cruel men, who once cursed God, fall and scream, and say, “How could You treat me this way?” The whole, every foundation was swept out from under him in a moment. It pays to take warning. 57 OH, YOU MIGHT LAUGH AT THE MESSENGER, YOU MIGHT BE ABLE EVEN TO KILL HIM. BUT, YOU CANNOT KILL THE MESSAGE, IT’LL GO ON JUST THE SAME. GOD’S MESSAGE IS ETERNAL. HIS WORDS WILL NEVER FAIL. 58 Paul was successful in having Stephen stoned. But all through his life, until he surrendered to Christ, was he never able to get away from that Message, “I see heavens opened, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.” Something got a hold of him. IT WASN’T THE MESSENGER, IT WAS THE MESSAGE HE HAD.
63-0317E – The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals
William Marrion Branham
295 Notice, “And I beheld…” Listen to this. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels… 296 Listen what a jubilee going on! When they seen that Lamb come and take that Book of Redemption, the souls screamed out. We’ll get it. All, everything, the elders fell down. They poured out the prayers of the saints. What? There was represented a Kinsman for us. They fell upon their faces. And they sang a song, and said, “Thou art worthy, for You were slain!” Watch what…And look at these Angels! And I beheld, and…heard the voice of many angels around about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand time ten thousands,…of thousands; (Whew! Notice!) Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessings. 297 What a jubilee going on in Heaven, when that Lamb leads, leaves that intercessory box, to come here to possess His claims! 298 You know, that got next to John. He must have saw his name wrote there. When them Seals broke, he must have got real happy. Listen what he said. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and underneath the earth,…such as…within the sea, and all that…in them, is in them, heard me, I saying, Blessings,…honour,…glory,…power, be to him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever…(Amen! Amen, and amen! Oh!) And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that lives for ever and ever. 299 Talk about a jubilee, talk about a time, when that Lamb walked forth! See, the Book is even sealed in Heaven, the mysteries are. 300 Say, “Is my name there?” I don’t know. I hope it is. But, if it is, it was put on the Book before the foundation of the world. 301 But the first thing, that represented that redemption, come the Lamb that had been slain from the foundation of the world. And He took the Book, (glory!) opened the Book, and tore off the Seals; and sent It down to the earth, to His seventh angel, to reveal It to His people! [Congregation greatly rejoices—Ed.] There you are. Oh, my! What happened? The screams, the shouts, the hallelujahs, the anointed, the power, the glory, the manifestation! [Congregation continues to greatly rejoice.] 302 And old John, who had been standing there, our brother, crying! “Why,” he said, “everything in Heaven, everything in the earth, and everything in the sea, heard me holler, ‘Amen! Amen! Blessings, honor, and might, and power, be to Him that lives for ever and ever.’” 303 TALK ABOUT A HAPPY TIME, WHEN THEM SEALS BROKE! JOHN MUST HAVE LOOKED IN AND SEEN A PAST THE CURTAIN OF TIME, AND SAID, “THERE IS JOHN.” OH, OH! 304 HE WAS SO HAPPY, TILL HE SAID, “EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN.” HE MUST HAVE REALLY CRIED OUT, DIDN’T HE? “Everything in Heaven, everything in the earth, everything beneath the earth, every creature, everything else, heard me saying, ‘Amen! Blessings, and glory, and wisdom, and power, and might, and riches, belongs to Him.’” Amen! 305 Why? When the revelation come, that the Lamb, the Redeemer, our Kinsman, had come back from the Throne of mediatorial and had walked out here to take His possession. Oh! Soon the Lamb will take His Bride to be ever at His side, All the host of Heaven will assembled be; Oh, it will be a glorious sight, all the saints in spotless white; And with Jesus we shall reign Eternally. Oh, “Come and dine,” the Master calleth, (on the Word), “Come and dine.” 306 Oh, I—I—I get without words, see. “Come and dine, come and dine,” You can feast at Jesus’ table any time, (Now! But when He leaves, there is no hope.) He Who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine. 307 He that said, that, “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also.” Oh, my! He that promised these things in the last days. He that said these things. He that’s now in the time of the revelation of these things being made known. “Come and dine.” Oh, don’t miss It, my brother.
“Though it was covered with blood, the message got through.”
63-0412E – God Hiding Himself In Simplicity
William Marrion Branham
